
Friday, December 19, 2008

Megan Fox Topless

Megan Fox Topless
16 pics | 1200x1950 | 4 MB

Megan Fox appears topless in the new film Jennifer's Body.

Megan Fox is an American actress and model, best known for her roles on the TV series Hope & Faith and in the 2007 film Transformers.

In 2006, she was ranked #68 in FHM magazine's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2006" supplement.

In 2007, she was ranked #18 in Maxim magazine's "Hot 100" list.

In 2008, she was voted #1 sexiest woman by FHM readers.

Birth name: Megan Denise Fox
Birth date: May 16, 1986
Birth location: Rockwood, Tennessee, USA
Height: 5' 6" (168 cm)

For countries, US, DE, ES, GB, FR, IT, CA, PT, NL, BE, RU,
download here

For other countries,
download here

Megan Fox in a Movie Promo

Megan Fox in a Movie Promo
2 pics | 3600 x 2400 (Ultra HQ) | 3.6 MB

She was wearing a black bra while promoting movie How to Lose Friends & Alienate People.
Megan Fox is an American actress and model, best known for her roles on the TV series Hope & Faith and in the 2007 film Transformers.
In 2006, she was ranked #68 in FHM magazine's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2006" supplement.
In 2007, she was ranked #18 in Maxim magazine Hot 100 list.
In 2008, she was voted #1 sexiest woman by FHM readers, and ranked #16 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 list.

Birth name: Megan Denise Fox
Birth date: May 16, 1986
Birth location: Rockwood, Tennessee, USA
Measurements: 34C-26-34
Height: 5' 6" (168 cm)

For countries, US, DE, ES, GB, FR, IT, CA, PT, NL, BE,
download here

For other countries,
download here
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tabrakan pada kecepatan 100 km/jam dan Resikonya!!

Tabrakan dengan kecepatan 100 km/jam dapat dianalogikan dengan mobil / motor yang jatuh dari gedung dengan ketinggian 40 meter!!!

Post ini bertujuan untuk memberikan sedikit informasi yang mudah-mudahan berguna, supaya kita selalu memikirkan masak-masak akibat dari suatu tindakan, sebelum kita memutuskan untuk berbuat, agar kelak tidak mendatangkan keburukan pada diri sendiri maupun diri orang lain.
Selain itu agar kita juga selalu menyadari bahwa teknologi tidaklah sempurna.!!

Pokok bahasan thread ini diambil dari salah satu acara televisi di Jerman "Quarks&Co",

yang titik beratnya adalah memberikan informasi yang bersifat ilmiah kepada para pemirsa.
Untuk itu, agar tema lebih mudah dicerna, kajian dikemas dalam bentuk yang menarik.

Dilema Kemajuan Teknologi
Kemajuan suatu teknologi seringkali tidak memikirkan dampak lain yang dapat ditimbulkannya, seperti kemajuan teknologi dibidang otomotif.

Di Jerman adalah suatu hal yang biasa, bila mobil dapat dipacu dengan kecepatan 100, 150 atau 180 km/jam. Bahkan di jalan tol Jerman (Autobahn) tidak ada batasan kecepatan bagi mobil atau motor.

Dilain hal, apakah teknologi keselamatan (safety) juga mengalami kemajuan??

Di Eropa sejak tahun 1996 dibuat suatu STANDAR bagi pengetesan dan penilaian keselamatan dari suatu mobil.
Yang dikenal dengan Euro-NCAP (European New Car Assessment Program).

Euro-NCAP merupakan peleburan dari lima organisasi mobil (Automobilclubs) di Eropa.

Hasil penilaian maksimal akan mendapatkan 5 bintang. Banyak sudah pabrik mobil yang masuk dalam penilaian berkategori "aman" dalam pengetesan ini.

Sekarang marilah kita lihat metode pengetesan mobil ini.

Kecepatan maksimal mobil pada pengetesan (crash-test) Euro-NCAP adalah HANYA sebesar 64 km/h.
Sedangkan banyak kecelakaan yang terjadi jauh diatas batas kecepatan ini.

Bagaimanakah nasib mobil pada kecelakaan yang terjadi pada kecepatan diatas batas tersebut, seperti 100km/jam??
Apakah mobil masih memberikan tingkat keselamatan yang sama bagi pengemudinya??

Untuk itu diadakan percobaan CRASH TEST.

Sebelumnya perlu diketahui , ENERGI yang diterima mobil apabila mobil menabrak rintangan (tembok) atau menabrak mobil lain yang identis (masa dan kecepatannya) adalah sama.
Itulah alasan kenapa dalam crash-test hanya digunakan satu mobil, yang tentunya juga dapat menghemat.
Bahasan ini lebih lanjut dapat dilihat pada thread

Tentunya yang menjadi perbedaan adalah dalam hal penyerapan energi. Tembok tidak memiliki daya serap, seperti halnya mobil yang memiliki CRUSHZONE, yang fungsinya menyerap energi yang diterima sehinga mobil mengalami DEFORMASI.

Untuk itu maka tembok dilengkapi dengan alumnium yang berfungsi seperti crushzone.

Seperti pada Euro-NCAP-Test, mobil diusahakan menabrak tembok dengan bagian depan sebanyak 40% (frontal crash).
Setelah segala macam persiapan dilakukan (dummy, sensor), maka test dimulai.

Mobil ditarik dengan menggunakan sistim kabel hingga mencapai kecepatan 100km/jam dan menabrak tembok.

Crash pada kecepatan 100Km/jam

Kecepatan mobil terhenti dalam tempo 0,13 detik, dari 100km/jam menjadi o km/jam setelah menarak tembok, ini berarti mobil mengalami percepatan sebesar 60 g ( 6o kali beban mobil).

Hasil crash test


Deformasi akibat crash

Bagian mobil bagian depan hampir seluruhnya habis termakan, bagian kiri depan mobil sampai kabin terdorong masuk kedalam.
Pintu dan A-Pillar mengalami kerusakan berat. Kabin penumpang dan pengemudi hanya sebagian yang rusak. Dashboard terdorong masuk , jok terdorong kedepan, tapi kabin penumpang tidak sepenuhnya hancur. Pintu depan bagian pengemudi malah masih dapat dibuka dengan tangan, walaupun harus menariknya dengan menggunakan tenaga.


Penumpang (Dummy)
Bagaimana dengan nasib penumpang setelah mengalami crash??
Seorang ahli Biomechanik dari Sweis mengatakan "Mobil yang mengalami percepatan (pengereman) sebesar 60g, maka penumpang didalamnya akan mengalami percepatan sekurangnya dua kali lipat, dan bisa juga lebih besar lagi. Ini berarti pada penumpang bekerja gaya (force) yang besarnya hingga 120-200 kali berat tubuhnya sendiri. Gaya ini akan menyebabkan luka yang sangat besar, yang pada prinsipnya akan menyebabkan kematian"

Analisa dummy


Dari gambar yang ditangkap kamera tampak jelas kepala dummy tidak dipantulkan secara halus oleh airbag, melainkan dengan keras memukul dan memantul kembali ke stir kemudi dengan keras.
Pada manusia ini dapat menyebabkan kerusakan otak yang parah. Pada saat yang bersamaan bodi dummy menhantam stir kemudi, yang dapat menyebabkan tulang rusuk patah dan paru-paru dapat tertekan.
Selain itu sabuk pengaman pada kecepatan ini tidak lagi bekerja secara optimal. Dummy tidak sepenuhnya lagi tertahan oleh sabuk pengaman, sehingga masih dapat terdorong kedepan, hingga lututnya terbentur kuat.
Dengan luka-luka seperti tulang paha remuk, pelvis fractures

pelvis fractures

pendarahan di hati, ginjal,spleen

kemungkinan besar pengemudi tidak dapat hidup.!!

Perbandingan crash
Seberapa besarkah perbedaan crash dengan kecepatan 64 km/jam dan 100 km/jam?
Perbedaan selisih kecepatan 36 km/jam ini berdampak besar dikarenakan energi yang dihasilkan tidak lagi berbanding lurus dengan kecepatan, melainkan dikuadratkan (squarish).
Ekin = 0,5( m x V^2 )
Dengan menaikan kecepatan sebanyak dua kali, maka energi yang dihasilkan menjadi 4 kali.

gambar kiri crash 64km/jam , kanan 100km/jam

Kenapa Euro-NCAP hanya melakukan crash test dengan kecepatan hingga 64 km/jam? Karena sebagus apapun mobil, tidak akan ada yang mampu untuk menyerap energi yang dihasilkan, bila tabrakan terjadi diatas kecepatan 64 km/jam.
Tabrakan diatas kecepatan ini akan menyebabkan pengemudi dan pengendara mobil teluka!
Tingkatan cidera tentunya tergantung dari kecepatan ketika terjadi tabrakan.

tabrakan kecepatan 64km/jam, terhindar dr cidera (5 bintang

tabrakan kecepatan 80km/jam, cidera berat

tabrakan kecepatan 100km/jam, kematian

Agar terhindar dari kematian, mobil dengan kecepatan 100 km/jam sekurangnya harus menjaga jarak sebanyak 50 meter dengan kendaraan di depannya.
Dengan jarak 50 meter ini, diharapkan pengemudi masih memiliki kesempatan untuk melakukan pengereman maksimal (full braking), sehingga kecepatan akan berkurang menjadi 64 km/jam!!

Hasil statistik kecelakaan di jerman menunjukan bahwa tabrakan dengan kecepatan 70 km/jam akan selalu berakibat dengan luka.
Tabrakan dengan kecepatan 100 km/jam akan berakibat sangat parah sehingga kemungkinan untuk hidup akan sangat kecil, terlepas apakah mobil dilengkapi dengan berbagai peralatan pengaman seperti sabuk pengaman ,airbag ataupun tidak.!!

Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit = tingkat kemungkinan hidup

Meskipun demikian tabrakan dengan kecepatan diatas 100 km/jam relatif jarang terjadi (statistik di Jerman) , besarnya kurang dari 1%.
KECILNYA hasil statistik membuat perusahaan pembuat mobil mengkonstruksi mobilnya lebih "lunak".
Terobosan teknologi keamanan untuk memecahkan masalah ini belum ada.!!

Teknologi yang ada sekarang, hanya dapat menjamin keselamatan pengendara mobil bila kecelakaan yang terjadi HANYA dalam kecepatan yang rendah.

Dengan kata lain kurangilah kecepatan !


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

PAINT.NET (free software)

Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for computers that run Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with support for layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools. An active and growing online community provides friendly help, tutorials, and plugins.

It started development as an undergraduate college senior design project mentored by Microsoft, and is currently being maintained by some of the alumni that originally worked on it. Originally intended as a free replacement for the Microsoft Paint software that comes with Windows, it has grown into a powerful yet simple image and photo editor tool. It has been compared to other digital photo editing software packages such as Adobe® Photoshop®, Corel® Paint Shop Pro®, Microsoft Photo Editor, and The GIMP.
The programming language used to create Paint.NET is C#, with a small amount of C++ for installation and shell-integration related functionality. The source code is available under the terms of the MIT License.

See the website: getpaint.net
Or you can start download the program here

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Audi TV

title Audi tv Goes on the Air.
Audi has started its own internet TV channel. With immediate effect, Audi tv is on the air in English and German at www.audi.com/tv and www.audi.de/tv. But the carmaker from Ingolstadt, Germany, goes far beyond what other brand channels have broadcast to date. "Audi tv provides viewers with exciting, original programming that offers new levels of access to the multi-faceted world of the brand with the four rings," commented Ralph Weyler, AUDI AG Board Member for Marketing and Sales.

Viewers are offered a wide range of exciting and informative reports from the fields of culture, sport, lifestyle and technology. Audi has produced its own magazine programmes in HDTV quality and in 16:9 format. The hosts present these shows 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Besides regular broadcasting times for the individual programmes on the "Live" channel, viewers can also call up reports about specific issues at will on four "on demand" channels. "We regard Audi tv as an innovative communications channel that operates like a TV channel but which also reflects the merging of traditional TV broadcasting with the internet," explains Hans-Christian Schwingen, Head of Marketing Communication at Audi.

"This mix of unconventionally-produced brand, technology and lifestyle topics makes our schedule very attractive. The range of topics we cover is broad enough to ensure that every viewer will find something to enjoy in the world of Audi," explains Liane Scheinert, Head of Audi tv.

Here are just a few examples of Audi tv programming: a stroll around the Bode Museum in Berlin, impressions from the catwalk during a fashion show by the star designer Michael Michalsky, kite surfing in Namibia, a flying visit to a perfumer in Grasse or the Audi nose team in Ingolstadt, portraits of an Audi DTM racing car driver, or the duel between an airboat and an Audi S4 Cabriolet in Florida's Everglades.

The channel is managed by a small team at Audi in Ingolstadt, with the support of editors from different divisions of the company, for example Marketing, Communications, International Sales, Design and Technical Development. The programmes are created by Ziggy Film Mediahouse in Munich. They are responsible for programme compilation, production management, project management, art direction and programming. Technical operation of the station is the responsibility of GRID TV AG in Munich.

Audi tv also benefits from the brand's existing TV experience. In 2005, Audi successfully launched the "Audi Channel", a digital TV channel broadcast to some 7.6 million households in the United Kingdom. (Taken from cartype.com).

Audi TV

title Audi tv Goes on the Air.
Audi has started its own internet TV channel. With immediate effect, Audi tv is on the air in English and German at www.audi.com/tv and www.audi.de/tv. But the carmaker from Ingolstadt, Germany, goes far beyond what other brand channels have broadcast to date. "Audi tv provides viewers with exciting, original programming that offers new levels of access to the multi-faceted world of the brand with the four rings," commented Ralph Weyler, AUDI AG Board Member for Marketing and Sales.

Viewers are offered a wide range of exciting and informative reports from the fields of culture, sport, lifestyle and technology. Audi has produced its own magazine programmes in HDTV quality and in 16:9 format. The hosts present these shows 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Besides regular broadcasting times for the individual programmes on the "Live" channel, viewers can also call up reports about specific issues at will on four "on demand" channels. "We regard Audi tv as an innovative communications channel that operates like a TV channel but which also reflects the merging of traditional TV broadcasting with the internet," explains Hans-Christian Schwingen, Head of Marketing Communication at Audi.

"This mix of unconventionally-produced brand, technology and lifestyle topics makes our schedule very attractive. The range of topics we cover is broad enough to ensure that every viewer will find something to enjoy in the world of Audi," explains Liane Scheinert, Head of Audi tv.

Here are just a few examples of Audi tv programming: a stroll around the Bode Museum in Berlin, impressions from the catwalk during a fashion show by the star designer Michael Michalsky, kite surfing in Namibia, a flying visit to a perfumer in Grasse or the Audi nose team in Ingolstadt, portraits of an Audi DTM racing car driver, or the duel between an airboat and an Audi S4 Cabriolet in Florida's Everglades.

The channel is managed by a small team at Audi in Ingolstadt, with the support of editors from different divisions of the company, for example Marketing, Communications, International Sales, Design and Technical Development. The programmes are created by Ziggy Film Mediahouse in Munich. They are responsible for programme compilation, production management, project management, art direction and programming. Technical operation of the station is the responsibility of GRID TV AG in Munich.

Audi tv also benefits from the brand's existing TV experience. In 2005, Audi successfully launched the "Audi Channel", a digital TV channel broadcast to some 7.6 million households in the United Kingdom. (Taken from cartype.com).

Nissan to Offer Color-Changing Coupe


Picture this: You enter a car showroom and find yourself engulfed with gamut of cars. Feels crazy! Which one to pick? Nissan 350Z, Okeah! Which color? You like glistening black but your dear wife wants to go with haute Red. But a mutual decision calls for RED, for your lady’s love. But worse is within days of your purchase a new color hits the road and you are full of regret and remorse about your quick decision.

This happens with everyone and even has happened with me as well. In those pitiful times, I use to wonder if there could be some magic through which we can change the color. Howzaatttt? And now my weird thought seems to be turning into reality as Nissan is engaged in developing color-changing auto paint. Suiting the nature of your mood, your coupe will dress accordingly.

Color-Changing Paint

With a click of a switch, it would be switched from white to black to green and to whatever suits your silhouette. Mind you it doesn’t expect you to spend bucks on buying colorful paints as the actual paint itself is altering shades. This is possible due to a polymer-based substance with tiny iron oxide particles. Yah, it surely raises insurance glitches as you need to give a serious thought about which color to mention on your registration papers.

(Text taken from elitechoice.org, wrote by: Zolamarquis)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Virus Clinic

Welcome to my blog.

As we all know, there are a lot of computer virus these days. And I become one of the victim. And thanks to my friends, I found a way to terminate the virus and recover my data in the computer. There are lots of ANTIVIRUS products around us, but none of them have everything we need for secure our data from the virus.

I'm not suggest you install all the anti virus products, but it would be better if we have an alternative of Anti Virus product. Below, I put some list of anti virus products. I really hope it'll help you to remove the "alien" from your computer.

Thanx for viewing.




ESET NOD32 AntiVirus v 3.0.621 Retail 32-bit

ESET NOD32 AntiVirus v 3.0.621 Retail 64-bit

ESET NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition 32-bit 3.0.621

Kaspersky Antivirus v7.0.1.321

BitDefender AntiVirus 2008 Build 11.0.13

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i

Norton Antivirus 2007

Avira AntiVir Personal Edition Classic

Avast Professional v4.7.1098

Sophos AntiVirus V6.x


AVG Anti-Virus 8 Pro

F-Prot Antivirus


Symantec.AntiVirus.Corporate.Edition.v10.1.7000.7 (32 bit with Vista Support)

Symantec.AntiVirus.Corporate.Edition.v10.1.7000.7 (64 bit with Vista Support)