
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Manfaat Bercinta Saat Istri Hamil

SURYAMALANG.COM – Berhubungan intim atau bercinta bagi pasangan suami istri (pasutri) merupakan kegiatan halal dan wajib dilakukan. Namun, bercinta akan sedikit berbeda jika sang istri sedang hamil.

Dikutip dari laman DokterSehat.com, sebagian orang pasti akan mengkhawatirkan kesehatan dan keselamatan janin dalam kandungan apabila bercinta dengan suami.

Bercinta saat hamil dapat membahayakan kesehatan janin tidak sepenuhnya benar. Meskipun seorang istri sedang hamil bukan berarti pasutri berhenti untuk bercinta.

Yang penting diketahui adalah bahwa ada manfaat bercinta saat hamil bagi kesehatan. Bahkan cukup disarankan pasutri bercinta saat istri hamil. Sebab, dapat mengatasi mual dan muntah, kaki bengkak, hingga mengatasi perasaan mudah kesal atau mudah marah.

Sebenarnya bercinta antara suami dengan istri hamil memiliki manfaat yang baik bagi ibu hamil dan janinnya. Berikut adalah manfaat bercinta bagi ibu hamil.

- Menghilangkan stres
Seiring dengan perkembangan janin yang ada dalam perut, tubuh akan merasa kurang nyaman. Umumnya, bagi wanita yang sedang hamil akan sering merasa pusing dan stres.

Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk menghilangkan stres saat hamil adalah dengan bercinta. Bercinta dapat membantu melepaskan ketegangan fisik maupun mental yang ditimbulkan karena kehamilan.

- Membantu membakar lemak
Bercinta diketahui dapat meningkatkan pembakaran lemak, termasuk pada saat istri sedang hamil. Maka dengan bercinta diharapkan berat badan saat hamil tidak naik secara berlebihan.

- Membuat kulit halus
Selain memproduksi erdofin, bercinta saat hamil juga dapat meningkatkan produksi hormon estrogen. Bercinta selain menyenangkan, ternyata juga dapat membuat kulit menjadi lebih halus.

- Menambah Kebahagiaan
Pada saat bercinta dengan pasangan, maka tubuh akan memproduksi hormon bahagia, yaitu hormon erdorfin. Hormon erdorfin ini dapat mengurangi rasa nyeri atau dapat berfungsi sebagai analgesik.

- Meningkatkan sirkulasi darah
Bercinta dapat memicu produksi adrenalin dan juga dapat meningkatkan denyut jantung, sehingga bercinta dapat meningkatkan sirkulasi darah dan suplai oksigen ke seluruh bagian tubuh termasuk janin menjadi lebih lancar.

- Meningkatkan kemesraan
Bercinta tidak hanya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan biologis saja, tetapi juga dapat meningkatkan keintiman pasangan. Pada saat istri sedang hamil mungkin kemesraan akan sedikit berkurang karena suami akan lebih cenderung memperhatikan kehamilannya. Dengan bercinta maka hubungan antara suami dan istri dapat kembali mesra seperti sebelumnya.

Selain bercinta, hal lain yang harus diperhatikan ketika istri hamil adalah menjaga kondisi psikologisnya.
Dosen Universitas Brawijaya, dr Arief Alamsyah Mars, mengingatkan agar pasangan menjaga keharmonisan selama proses kehamilan. Pasalnya, ketidakharmonisan rumah tangga akan mengganggu kondisi janin.
Arief mengatakan, suami yang bertengkar dengan istrinya yang hamil bisa mempengaruhi psikis si jabang bayi.

"Dampaknya memang tidak langsung, tapi sangat berpengaruh dalam kehidupan anak," kata Arief.
Menurut Arief, pertengkaran dalam rumah tangga bisa membuat anak menjadi pemarah.
Apabila sang anak itu masih dalam kandungan, maka dampaknya bisa lebih parah, karena tidak hanya membuat mereka menjadi seorang yang emosional, tapi juga bisa mengalami kerusakan otak atau gangguan neurotik pula.

Masalah ini, lanjutnya, disebabkan indera pertama yang ada dalam janin adalah indera pendengaran.
Dr Iwan Sys Indrawanto SpKj menambahkan, emosi seorang ibu juga mempengaruhi tumbuh-kembang janin.
Oleh karena itu, tidak disarankan seorang ayah dan ibu untuk mengucapkan kata-kata kotor saat masa kehamilan.

"Perasaan sedih, cemas, kecewa dan marah seorang ibu juga harus dihindari. Rumahtangga yang harmonis akan membentuk anak yang brilian," tambah psikiater di RS Medika Hayunanto, Kabupaten Malang ini.


Monday, April 27, 2015

What’s in Your Green Tea?

For many, no drink is more synonymous with good health than green tea, the ancient Chinese beverage known for its soothing aroma and abundance of antioxidants. By some estimates, Americans drink nearly 10 billion servings of green tea each year.

But a new report by an independent laboratory shows that green tea can vary widely from one cup to the next. Some bottled varieties appear to be little more than sugar water, containing little of the antioxidants that have given the beverage its good name. And some green tea leaves, particularly those from China, are contaminated with lead, though the metal does not appear to leach out during the brewing process.

The report was published this week by ConsumerLab.com, an independent site that tests health products of all kinds. The company, which had previously tested a variety of green tea supplements typically found in health food stores, took a close look at brewed and bottled green tea products, a segment that has grown rapidly since the 1990s.

It found that green tea brewed from loose tea leaves was perhaps the best and most potent source of antioxidants like epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, though plain and simple tea bags made by Lipton and Bigelow were the most cost-efficient source. Green tea’s popularity has been fueled in part by a barrage of research linking EGCG to benefits like weight loss to cancer prevention, but the evidence comes largely from test tube studies, research on animals and large population studies, none of it very rigorous, and researchers could not rule out the contribution of other healthy behaviors that tend to cluster together.

Green tea is one of the most popular varieties of tea in the United States, second only to black tea, which is made from the leaves of the same plant. EGCG belongs to a group of antioxidant compounds called catechins that are also found in fruits, vegetables, wine and cocoa.
The new research was carried out in several phases. In one, researchers tested four brands of green tea beverages sold in stores. One variety, Diet Snapple Green Tea, contained almost no EGCG. Another bottled brand, Honest Tea’s Green Tea With Honey, claimed to carry 190 milligrams of catechins, but the report found that it contained only about 60 percent of that figure. The drink also contained 70 milligrams of caffeine, about two-thirds the amount in a regular cup of coffee, as well as 18 grams of sugar, about half the amount found in a can of Sprite.

Another phase of the study looked at green tea in its more natural forms – loose tea leaves sold by Teavana and tea bags sold by companies like Bigelow and Lipton. A single serving of Teavana’s Gyokuro green tea, about one teaspoonful, was chock-full of antioxidants, yielding about 250 milligrams of catechins, a third of which were EGCG. It also contained 86 milligrams of caffeine, slightly less than a regular cup of coffee.

A single bag of the green tea sold by Lipton and Bigelow contained somewhat smaller amounts of antioxidants than Teavana’s green tea and generally minimal amounts of caffeine. But Teavana’s recommended serving size was large, and the tea was also far more expensive, resulting in a higher cost per serving. The report calculated that the cost to obtain 200 milligrams of EGCG ranged from 27 cents to 60 cents with the tea bags, and $2.18 with the Teavana loose tea leaves.

But the most surprising phase of the study was an analysis of the lead content in the green tea leaves. The leaves in the Lipton and Bigelow tea bags contained 1.25 to 2.5 micrograms of lead per serving. The leaves from Teavana, however, did not contain measurable amounts.

“Lead can occur in many botanical products because it is taken up from the ground,” said Dr. Tod Cooperman, president of ConsumerLab.com. “The green tea plant is known to absorb lead at a higher rate than other plants from the environment, and lead also can build up on the surface of the leaves.”
Dr. Cooperman said the tea leaves containing lead probably originated in China, where studies have found that industrial pollution causes the leaves in some regions to gather substantial amounts of lead. The Teavana leaves came from Japan, where that is less of a problem, he said. The decaffeination process also helps remove lead.

Still, the study found that there was no real prospect of a health concern from the lead. The liquid portions of the teas that were brewed and tested contained very little if any of the metal, Dr. Cooperman said.

“The majority of the lead is staying with the leaf,” he said. “If you’re brewing it with a tea bag, the tea bag is very effectively filtering out most of the lead by keeping those tea leaves inside the bag. So it’s fine as long as you’re not eating the leaves.”


Perbedaan Pribadi Penyuka Teh dan Kopi

Anda bisa menikmati keduanya tapi tetap saja ada satu favorit dibanding yang lainnya.
Dream - Dunia modern nampaknya terbagi menjadi dua; penyuka teh dan penikmat kopi. Mereka yang menjatuhkan pilihan pada masing-masing minuman ini, tanpa disadari, memiliki kepribadian yang berbeda.
Penyuka teh menyukai ragam variasi hingga perasaan menenangkan dari secangkir minuman ini. Sementara penikmat kopi diisi oleh mereka yang menyukai kopi dengan rasa asli dan lompatan energi yang dihasilkannya. Membandingkan keduanya sama seperti membedakan peminum anggur putih dengan anggur merah.
Anda bisa menikmati keduanya tapi tetap saja ada satu favorit dibanding yang lainnya. Berikut adalah perbedaan kepribadian dari mereka yang menyukai teh dan kopi:
1. Peminum teh suka mengambil istirahat untuk teh; peminum kopi butuh istirahat demi secangkir kopi.
2. Peminum teh biasanya dalam kondisi terbaik di siang hingga sore hari; peminum kopi dalam kondisi terbaik di pagi, siang, dan sore hari.
3. Peminum teh suka semua hal dilakukan santai; peminum kopi suka segala sesuatunya cepat.
4. Peminum teh tidak terikat waktu; peminum kopi tahu kapan waktunya pukul 15.00.
5. Peminum teh meminumnya hanya setengah gelas; peminum kopi biasanya menghabiskan minumannya hingga tandas.
Perbedaan Pribadi Penyuka Teh dan Kopi
via healthydebates.com
6. Peminum teh tidak butuh kafein; peminum kopi sangat butuh kafein, bila perlu disuntikkan ke tubuh.
7. Peminum teh suka ada sedikit rasa di dalam minumannya; peminum kopi biasanya suka agak kental.
8. Peminum teh suka menghabiskan waktu di ranjang; peminum kopi lebih suka beranjak dari ranjang.
9. Peminum teh suka menyimpan pikiran; peminum kopi harus menuliskan pikiran di suatu media (buku, notepad).
10. Peminum teh suka meminum kopi karena kenikmatannya; peminum kopi menyeruput kopi karena ada tujuan tertentu.
Perbedaan Pribadi Penyuka Teh dan Kopi
11. Peminum teh suka merenung; peminum kopi suka berdebat.
12. Peminum teh suka membaca; peminum kopi suka menulis.
13. Peminum teh merasa dekat dengan rumah; peminum kopi harus segera keluar dari rumah.
14. Peminum teh suka merangkulkan tangannya di pundak Anda; peminum kopi punya tangan yang gemetar karena tidak bisa diam.
15. Peminum teh suka menikmati tiap tetesnya; peminum kopi suka menelan langsung minumannya.
Perbedaan Pribadi Penyuka Teh dan Kopi

16. Peminum teh romantis dan penuh daya khayal; peminum kopi penuh hasrat dan efisien.
17. Peminum teh biasanya suka ke perpustakaan; peminum kopi ditemukan di toko buku.
18. Peminum teh biasanya meniup minumannya; peminum kopi biasanya meniupkan asap rokok.
19. Peminum teh suka minumannya sedikit berasa; peminum kopi menyukainya agak pahit.
20. Peminum teh akan menenangkan Anda di saat sakit; peminum kopi menenangkan Anda di saat lelah.

52 text message love bombs to send him

Editor's note: This article was originally published on Susie Romans' blog, Stay At Home Susie. It has been republished here with permission.

My hubby and I celebrated our three years of marriage this past October. Although we've had our ups and downs I do know this to be true: Men need and want to be loved.
Not only that, but they need to be reminded.

Marriage is like a box that you deposit little love bombs into. When you are always doing this, always depositing, your hubby will feel it. He needs to also do his part by adding his deposit of love into this box.

Times will come, moments, arguments and you will want to look into that box of love bombs and take out a few as reminders of how you and your hubby really feel during times of trial.

When Jason and I were having communication issues, we decided to have a "counseling session" at church with a friend. Our counselor has been married over 40 years and we trusted he would help us out a bit.

One of his tips was to send loving text messages to each other during the day. Enter: love bombs. Enjoy the list!

  1. You look hot today, babe!
  2. I'm so lucky you're my best friend.
  3. You are my rock, I love you so much.
  4. You are my protector … feeling blessed.
  5. Hey hottie, got plans tonight?
  6. You are AMAZING. Just thought you should know.
  7. I love being together. Miss you!
  8. Have a great day at work – I'm counting down till you get home.
  9. I like you. I like you a LOT.
  10. I'm here for you sweetheart.
  11. You are the most thoughtful guy I know.
  12. Still laughing about your comment last night.
  13. Thank you for being you.
  14. You make me want to be a better person. Love you so much.
  15. Feeling uber blessed today to have you in my life.
  16. You are the funniest man I know.
  17. Let's get dinner.
  18. You are one good looking guy - let's hang out!
  19. You. me. Picnic at 5 p.m.
  20. Thanks for hanging that mirror, you're so handy!
  21. I love my man. FYI.
  22. You are my favorite.
  23. You are so thoughtful!
  24. You inspire me, baby.
  25. I trust you with all my soul.
  26. What God has brought together, we shall never part …
  27. Glad I have you in my life.
  28. Today, tomorrow, forever … be mine!
  29. I'm married to one sexy man!
  30. I will always love you.
  31. You are hilarious, still laughing about …
  32. You are my one of a kind. Feeling so blessed!
  33. Need your love.
  34. Need your cuddles.
  35. I wanna be in your arms.
  36. Miss u, miss u, wanna kiss u!
  37. I miss you, come home.
  38. Call in sick – let's spend today together.
  39. Do you know I love you? A lot!
  40. You are so strong.
  41. Be with me? Forever?
  42. You are my sunshine.
  43. Perfect night to snuggle. Meet me at 7 p.m.
  44. I want to be in your arms.
  45. You are my soul mate.
  46. Hi. I love you. You should know that.
  47. I can't wait for our date night.
  48. I'm counting down the hours till I see you.
  49. You are the best father, ever.
  50. How did I get so lucky to have you?
  51. Being with you … is the best!
  52. I need a kiss.

Kentang Goreng Setelah Olahraga Baik untuk Tubuh

PECINTA makanan cepat saji dan olahraga pasti akan senang mendengar kabar ini. Peneliti University of Montana mengungkapkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan pada gula darah antara atlet yang makan sedikit makanan cepat saji dengan yang minum minuman olahraga.

Dalam studi tersebut, 11 atlet bersepeda mengikuti latihan yang diikuti dua jam untuk beristirahat. Partisipan tersebut diberi suplemen minuman olahraga atau berelektrolit atau makanan cepat saji, seperti hamburger dan kentang goreng.

Hasilnya menunjukkan tidak adanya perbedaan berarti antara kadar gula darah, respons insulin, dan rasio penyembuhan setelah sesi olahraga ditutup dengan makanan dan minuman tersebut. Demikian seperti dilansir dari Foxnews, Senin (27/4/2015).

Namun, perlu diingat bahwa setiap makanan cepat saji mengandung nutrisi yang berbeda, baik itu protein, karbohidrat, dan lemaknya. Alasan para atlet tersebut membaik setelah makan makanan cepat saji ini adalah karena mereka mengonsumsi camilan yang berisi nutrisi tersebut.

Pengaruh Buruk Minum Kopi di Pagi Hari

KOPI telah menjadi minuman favorit orang-orang seantero dunia. Tak pelak, minuman unik itu selalu dinikmati kapan saja termasuk di pagi hari. Sayangnya, kebiasaan minum kopi di pagi hari dapat memengaruhi sistem kerja metabolisme tubuh.

Lebih dari itu, berikut empat hal yang mungkin belum tahu tentang kopi, seperti dilansir Thekitchn, Senin (27/6/2015).

Tubuh tak butuh kopi di pagi hari
Sebelum memulai aktivitas, kopi menjadi minuman favorit sebagai pembangkit semangat di pagi hari. Justru dari sisi kesehatan, minum kopi setiap pagi sangat tidak disarankan. Pasalnya, kandungan kafein di dalam kopi dapat menimbulkan efek samping terhadap pencernaan dan menurunkan kadar hormon kortisol.

Memperlambat kerja otak
Kafein dapat memperlambat sistem kerja otak. Tak hanya itu, sistem neuron dalam tubuh kita juga menghasilkan produk adenosin yang membuat tubuh Anda mudah lelah.

Kopi dapat memaksimalkan tidur siang
Menyeruput secangkir kopi di siang hari sangat disarankan oleh para ahli. Dari hasil studi, minum secangkir kopi 15 menit sebelum waktu tidur siang dapat memaksimalkan tubuh Anda untuk beristirahat.

Menggali kreativitas
Saat Anda mengunjungi kedai kopi favorit, suasana di sekitarnya telah terbukti positif memengaruhi kreativitas. Percayalah, tak sedikit kedai kopi yang didesain apik dan membangun suasana menyenangkan, layaknya Anda berada di suatu tempat jauh dari kebisingan.

Fakta Berhubungan Seks saat Wanita Menstruasi

BERHUBUNGAN seksual di saat istri sedang menstruasi tak disetujui oleh para ahli. Pasalnya, sangat berbahaya bagi kondisi kesehatan rahim sampai akhirnya berujung mandul.
Lebih dari itu, Spesialis Kandungan dari Siloam Hospital Semanggi, dr Ardiansjah Dara SpOg mengungkap empat fakta bahaya berhubungan seks di saat wanita menstruasi. Yuk, cari tahu!

Mudah lelah
Jangankan untuk berhubungan seks, untuk menjalani aktivitas lainnya saja wanita akan lebih terasa cepat lelah. Pada dasarnya hal ini dialami karena rendahnya level energi, akibat fluktuasi kadar hormon.

Tak bergairah
Saat menstruasi, wanita memiliki tingkat gairah berbeda-beda. Karena mungkin mereka mengalami terjadi perubahaan mood bercinta. Itu disebabkan karena rendahnya produksi hormon estrogen dan testosteron.

Tidak nyaman
Saat wanita menstruasi, darah akan mengucur deras dari dalam rahim yang dikeluarkan lewat Miss V. Tentu hal ini membuat wanita tidak nyaman saat berhubungan seks. Apalagi jika volume darah yang keluar sangat banyak akan terkesan menjijikkan bagi sebagian pasangan.

Pasangan suami istri yang tetap berhubungan seks di saat menstruasi, darah yang seharusnya keluar dari rahim bisa jadi masuk ke dalam perut yang disebut endometriosis. Hati-hati, masalah ini akan mengganggu kesuburannya 80 persen, sehingga dapat memicu mereka sulit memiliki keturunan alias mandul.


Trik Mudah Mempercepat Orgasme

MAKANAN bergizi tidak hanya baik untuk melawan penyakit, tetapi juga dapat membantu meningkatkan gairah seks sampai akhirnya meraih orgasme. Kok bisa?
Lebih dari itu, ini dia delapan kebiasaan sehari-hari untuk membangkitkan libido sebelum bercinta, yang wajib diterapkan oleh pasangan suami istri, seperti dilansir Health, Minggu (24/4/2015)

Menyisihkan waktu untuk bercinta
Pendekatan yang paling romantis dalam hubungan rumah tangga yaitu, menyisihkan waktu berdua dan membuat komitmen kehidupan seks yang aktif. Dengan cara ini, Anda akan merasa terdorong untuk menepati janji dan lebih kecil kemungkinannya untuk membuat alasan mengabaikan pasangan Anda.

Gunakan pelumas alami
Seks menyakitkan akan menyebabkan rasa sakit dan ketidaknyamanan dalam bercinta. Agar tidak terjadi hal demikian, Anda wajib menggunakan pelumas alami dengan cara foreplay, misalnya mencium pasangan Anda sampai membuatnya semakin bergairah.

Tidak stres
Jarang disadari kondisi stres karena pekerjaan, masalah anak-anak atau masalah di rumah memiliki efek buruk pada kehidupan seks Anda. Kondisi tersebut menyebabkan tubuh Anda menghasilkan hormon kortisol yang justru merusak mood bercinta Anda.

Makan bergizi
Rajin makan buah dan sayur bukan hanya baik untuk melawan penyakit. Sebuah studi yang diterbitkan dalam Journal of Sexual Medicine menemukan hubungan antara kolesterol tinggi, dan wanita yang mengalami kesulitan membangkitkan gairah dan orgasme. Ketika kolesterol menumpuk di arteri, itu membuat lebih sulit untuk darah mengalir di daerah panggul. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan kurangnya sensasi foreplay, sehingga sulit untuk mencapai orgasme. (ren)


Friday, April 24, 2015

10 compliments your husband needs to hear

Pull out one of these 10 compliments and make your husband's day.
 The things we say have a big impact on our marriages. Men sometimes get the reputation for being the less communicative sex, but that doesn't mean they don't thrive on affirming words from their wives. Whether or not your husband is begging for verbal affection, here are ten compliments that your husband needs to hear.

1. I'm so glad I married you

Men need to feel secure in marriage, and the fastest way to let your man know he's still the one is to tell him outright. This is a great compliment because it can come completely out of the blue, without him having to do anything to earn it. Spontaneous compliments feel genuine and sincere.

2. I love how you provide for our family

Men hold themselves to a high standard when it comes to providing, and they need you to acknowledge their efforts. Let your husband know that he doesn't have to make millions to still make you happy.

3. I'm so proud of you

You'll get far in marriage being your husband's greatest cheerleader. In a world that continuously knocks him down, be the one to always lift him up.

4. You're such a great daddy

If you have kids, praise your husband for his involvement with the family. Modern society often tells dads that they come second to mom, so let him know he's a valuable asset to your family.

5. You're so hot

Your husband needs to know you love the way he looks, even after a few years and a few extra pounds. Many men send and receive love through touch and physical intimacy, so complimenting his body is one of the fastest ways to show him love in a way he understands.

6. Thanks for fixing the broken dryer

Whenever your husband plays Mr. Fix-It around the house, compliment his efforts. He needs to feel capable, especially when he's taking care of you.

7. Thanks for the help around the house

Helping out can be a little scary for the man of the house. Chances are that you have your own way of doing things and he may be afraid of messing up your system. Thank him sincerely when he helps out, regardless of whether he folds the sheets the "right" way.

8. You can always make me laugh

Let your man know that he lightens up your day and brings positive energy into your household. Even if your husband isn't the ha-ha funny type, you can still compliment his stellar smile.

9. You're so strong

The next time your husband lifts a heavy load of laundry, bat your eyelashes a little and compliment his Superman-like strength, even if you could have done the task yourself. Husbands need to know they're good for something, and they certainly need to know they're good for you.

10. I love spending time with you

We all get caught up in the business of everyday life, so let your spouse know that you still love to simply hangout with him. After all, you'll be his best friend and constant companion forever.
Take a little time today to thank the man in your life for all he does. It doesn't take much to make your husband's day, boost his confidence and make him want to lift you up in return.


4 key reasons why it matters to put your spouse before your children

There are important reasons why your spouse should be your first priority, even before your children. That doesn’t mean you don’t love your children; it means you love them enough to keep your priorities in the right order.

 Editor's Note: Written in response to their highly popular article (read by over 4 million people), 10 ways you are being unfaithful to your spouse - and you don't even know it.
There is a natural order in marriage. It begins with two people falling in love, believing that they are the most important person in the world to each other. As children come along they need to be cherished and loved but never more than your spouse. Then when they're grown and gone, it's back to just two people again. When these two remain in love, it provides a stability and a legacy for the children, no matter their age.

The four key reasons Your children need to see how marriage works

If you push your spouse down on your list of priorities, your children will believe that marriage isn't all that important. On the other hand, if they see you honoring your spouse with that number one spot, they will feel a love and security that can come in no other way.

A young adult shared the following experience. She said, "When I was little I used to ask my mom who she loved the most, me or Dad. She always said, "Dad." I asked him the same question, and he answered "Mom." Of course, I knew they loved me, but I was always a little disappointed that they didn't say they loved me the most. A few years later I asked them again and the answer they gave showed me on top, at last. They said they loved me the most. The funny thing is, it didn't feel so good after all. It wasn't the feeling I was expecting. I liked it better when they said they loved each other the most." A few years later they were divorced. She said, "They needed to keep loving each other the most, then I might still have a mom and dad together. It's sad." (First published here)

Twin college coeds were counseling their younger sisters about what to look for in their future husband. They wrote: "Tonight when Dad comes home from work or meetings, listen to the first words he'll say when he walks in the door: 'Where's my beautiful wife?' Then watch as he searches the house to find her, just so he can kiss her to let her know he loves her. Notice how he'll start helping with whatever he can right away, and how he makes every one of you feel so important as he asks about your day."
Putting your spouse first does not diminish the love your children feel from you. It enhances it as long as you show love to them as well.

It creates a feeling of romance in your marriage

You know right off the top that you matter to your spouse, and that's romantic. How open are you to respond with love and affection when you feel that you are the most important person in the world to your spouse? Keeping romance alive in marriage is crucial. And this is not just about "making love," it's about giving love in everyday little acts of caring that show your spouse how much he or she means to you. An unhappy wife told us that her husband meets the needs of everyone else first and rarely even notices hers. Are there times when a child's needs come first? Of course, but not continually and not at the expense of your spouse. A father of three young children, when asked if he still had the top spot on his wife's list of priorities, said, "I'm not even on the list." He wasn't laughing. Busy spouses must always find time to show their mates how important they are to them.

Children who are continually number one become self-centered

When they are practically worshiped at home by a parent, children go out into the world with an unrealistic view; one that says they are owed. In an article by physician Danielle Teller, titled "How American parenting is killing the American marriage," she said, "Children who are raised to believe that they are the center of the universe have a tough time when their special status erodes as they approach adulthood. Most troubling of all, couples who live entirely child-centric lives can lose touch with one another to the point where they have nothing left to say to one another when the kids leave home... Is it surprising that divorce rates are rising fastest for new empty nesters?"

It helps everything else in your life go better

When your marriage is going well, it improves every other part of your life. If you have to spend time worrying about your marriage, it will take away from your productivity at work. Even more important, if you spend time fretting over marital problems, you have less time to devote to your children. There is only so much time and space in your life so keeping the marriage strong opens up more avenues for your relationship with your children to flourish. Keeping your spouse in that number one spot is what helps make that happen.

When divorce and remarriage enter the scene, it can be complicated. Where do the children of the first marriage fit? The new spouse deserves that number one spot, but that does not mean the children of a previous marriage are excluded. Children of divorce can feel left out and unloved if proper attention is not given to them. They may not be number one, but they need to be a very close number two, even if they are unlovable at times. They're hurting. They need both of their natural parents' love for them to thrive.

If you are a step-parent (some call it more lovingly — a bonus parent), then you need to be willing to welcome your current mate's children into your lives and allow him or her to have time to enjoy their children. Bring them into a loving family where they can see that your current marriage is one of happiness and strength. It will give them a feeling of security they were missing before.
See Gary and Joy Lundberg's new .99 e-book


5 tips on how to keep your sex life rockin' after kids come knockin'

Lots of couples have difficulty balancing their family life with their sex life. Family just seems to take more priority and time. It IS possible to have a healthy sex life and family life.
 As a marriage counselor in Denver, Colorado I see a lot of couples who come to me for marriage counseling because they’re having sexual difficulties. One of the most common reasons why a couples' sex life is struggling is because "We have kids. It's hard to find the time or energy to get in the mood."

Sexual intimacy is vitally important to a marriage. It creates romance, passion and spark. It’s one of the only things you share with your spouse that you don’t share with anyone else. It’s a special connection that only the two of you can have. When children come around, and you’re not having sex as frequently as you used to, it's no wonder couples have marriage problems. They just stop feeling as close or connected.

There are lots of ways having children hampers your sex life. For one, many couples just don’t have the kind of time to dedicate toward each other that they used to have. Less time for dates and romance usually means less desire for sex. Second, after a long day of chauffeuring children around, cleaning up after them, making sure they have their homework done, teeth brushed, and they’re off to bed at a decent time, you just don’t feel in the mood for sex. Finally, as your children grow older — so do you. You just don’t feel as attractive as you used to.

Couples who don’t have a good sex life rarely have a good marriage. What are some things you can do to keep your sex life rockin’ after children come knockin? Here are five quick tips:

Make time for the two of you

You have a calendar for your family so you don’t forget all the activities for your children, important birthdays, and other appointments. When was the last time you saw something on that calendar for you and your spouse? Your relationship is as much a priority as your child’s soccer practice. Put it on your calendar, and don’t move it.

Reassure your spouse of your affection for her

Your body changes as you age. As a result, your spouse may not feel as attractive as she did before kids. When your spouse doesn’t feel sexy, he doesn't feel as excited for sex. Reassuring your spouse of your affection for him helps him to feel loved, cared for, and attractive.

Redefine foreplay

With children around, you don’t have as much private time in the bedroom. Don’t waste the private time you do have on foreplay. Foreplay doesn’t have to be physical. Sending each other sexy text messages throughout the day, naughty notes in each other's lunch boxes, and erotic emails are just as effective as physical foreplay.

Get creative

With children around, sex can’t be as spontaneous as it used to be. There’s a greater risk of being interrupted. Instead of waiting until all the conditions are right (which might take a long time), get creative about where and when to do it. Sex can still be connecting and romantic at creative times and places.

Too tired is not a good reason

After the kids are finally in bed, you’re so exhausted that the last thing on your mind is sex. When your spouse makes an advance, you end up having a whole conversation about why you’re not in the mood and how upset you are that he would even think about sex after the kind of day you just had. Just think, you probably could have had sex and skipped the fight you just had. Besides, there are few things that help you sleep better than snuggling up with your spouse after a connecting night of sex.
All couples’ lives change after having kids. But, the quality of your sex life doesn’t have to. These are just five quick tips on how you can keep your sex life rockin’ after children come knockin’. There are many more ways you can create intimacy, spark and passion in and out of the bedroom so you can still have a rockin’ sex life. Remember, intimacy is a vital part of your marriage. Sex with your spouse is the only thing you share with them that you don’t share with others. It’s a perfect way to create intimacy, romance and spark in your marriage. Don’t neglect yourself or your spouse by neglecting your sex life.


10 ugly things awful husbands do to their wives

This article was originally published on NurturingMarriage.org. It has been republished here with permission.

Be sure to guard against these 10 ugly habits that could destroy your marriage.
OK, so you aren't an awful husband. But there are some pretty awful things you definitely don't want creeping into your marriage. Your wife deserves better than a husband with any of these 10 ugly habits.

1. Critical

Please watch yourself and don't get caught in the trap of criticizing your wife. Choose to see the good in your wife. Compliment her on all the things she is doing right. Next time you find yourself wanting to tell her something you don't like about her, switch it around and pay her a sincere compliment. She will love it.

2. Controlling

Believe it or not, you aren't always right. And your beautiful wife is actually very good at making her own decisions (and typically she makes very good decisions). So stop feeling like you need to control where she's going, what she's doing, how much she's spending and more. Instead of stressing about that, work together as a team, encouraging and supporting each other. Let your wife be her own person, and give her wings to fly.

3. Treats you like an object

Please, husbands! Your wife isn't an object. She is your wife, your best friend and your queen. She deserves your utmost respect, especially when it comes to sexual intimacy. Always respect her and her body and work on establishing emotional connection and trust before thinking about sharing sexual intimacy with your wife. Sex can be the most unifying, fulfilling and beautiful thing in marriage when you both treat each other respectfully.

4. Doesn't give you the time of day

You have a wife. You lucky guy. Please don't forget about her. Don't be too busy to call her, text her or recognize her when she walks in the room. The next time you see her, give her a big hug and tell her you love her. Let her know she is your top priority by putting her first — ahead of work, time with your buddies, or watching that game. Sit on the couch and talk to her. Tell her about your day, your thoughts, your worries, and your funny experiences. Beware, you may find that sparks suddenly start flying around like crazy.

5. Uses crude or dirty language

Husbands, come on. You aren't teenage boys anymore (and even then, bad language wasn't really cool). Watch your mouth. Work to cut the swearing habit, and remove crude, rude and dirty language from your vocabulary. You may be amazed at all the other words available for use in expressing your feelings. Your wife deserves to hear words that a gentleman would speak, not a raga-muffin. Buy yourself a dictionary. OK, not really, but try some new words. Your wife will be tickled pink and others will think you're much more intelligent.

6. Views pornography

This is one sure way to ruin your marriage, your life and your future. Simply put, don't view pornography and let your eyes linger everywhere you go. Look inward and decide to choose a better path. If you are entrenched in the ugly habit of pornography, seek out professional help (there are many great resources to turn to). Find a counselor who can help you begin the process of becoming free from this addiction. You have to want change for yourself and for those you love. So dig deep and decide what kind of life you really want.

7. Has too high of expectations

The last thing your sweet wife needs to hear is that she doesn't measure up to your unrealistic expectations. Please don't compare your wife's body, budgeting skills, or parenting skills to so-and-so down the street. Your comparisons will, over time, crush her self-esteem. Decide to be kind, to be patient, to be forgiving and to be flexible. The more you emphasize all of her positive qualities, the more she will naturally start living up to those positive compliments and become the woman you describe, and more.

8. Doesn't help out around the house

Seriously? You may bring in half the income, or all of it, but that doesn't mean you can chill on the couch while your wife cleans, tidies and washes dishes day-in and day-out. Kick it up a notch and offer to help out. Clean the toilet (yes, the one you use every day), carry in the groceries or unload the dishwasher (oh, the horror). You and your wife are a team and ought to work side by side creating the home of your dreams.

9. Loses his temper often

You are a grown man. Yelling at your wife is not appropriate, effective or helpful. Hitting is completely off limits. Rage, lashing out, throwing things and threatening are all forms of abuse. You can learn to control your temper. You can learn to respond calmly and with love. As you do, your wife will feel safe with you and love being around you.

10. Lies and cheats

If you think you can sneak off with that babe from work and your wife will never know, then you're kidding yourself and in for a very rude awakening. And honestly, even if your wife never found out, it's still wrong. Don't throw away everything that is truly meaningful for a fleeting moment of pleasure. Choose to be honest. Choose to be loyal. Live up to those promises you made to your bride. She deserves all that, and more.
Now, if you saw yourself in any of these ugly habits, don't beat yourself up. Rather decide to be better and make changes. Chart a course today that will lead you, and your wife, to that happily-ever-after marriage you have always wanted.


You’re with a jerk and always will be unless you make these 3 changes

As members of the animal kingdom, we humans are herd animals — the same as cows or sheep. We want to be around a herd, and not being with a herd does funny things to us. So, it's no surprise that humans are drawn into relationships. It's a primal, biological instinct that we just can't help. But just because we're drawn into relationships doesn't mean we're always drawn into good ones. In fact, sometimes this instinctual desire to be in relationships leads you into downright toxic ones — and you might feel like your instincts are letting you down because you never seem to find a relationship that is good for you.

Well, despite how let down you might feel, don't worry. There's a scientific reason that you find yourself in these toxic relationships. And because there's a scientific reason for it, there's a scientific way you can get out of it.

Why you keep finding yourself in toxic relationships

As humans, we have a natural radar that attracts us to people who complement us. Think of it this way. If you're a financial saver, you're likely to find yourself attracted to people who are financial spenders; or, at the very least, financial spenders are likely to be attracted to you.

There are many more complementary roles we fill — the funny guy, the emotionally available one, the emotionally distant one, the worker bee, the artist. All these roles we play are attractive to others with complementary traits. You will find yourself being pursued by people who have traits that complement yours.

Unfortunately, this scientific principle of finding people who complement you also works to your detriment. For example, if you have a hard time setting boundaries, you're likely to attract people who often push boundaries. Or, if you're a soft-spoken person, you're likely to attract people who are domineering.

When you find yourself in a toxic relationship, it's probably because you have a trait that attracted that toxic person into your life. Some traits that most commonly attract toxic partners include being too soft-spoken, not being assertive enough, bending over backwards for others, being driven to help others and wanting to be liked by everyone. Unfortunately, while these traits are positive things that make you a nice person and a good friend, they also make you a target.
But science got you here, and science can get you out.

How to stop attracting toxic people

Because others are attracted to you based off of your behavior and how you respond to others, there is a solution to ending your toxic relationships. You simply have to stop responding to others in ways that invite toxic people into your life.

I know, I know. It's not as easy as it sounds. There are thousands of things you do on a daily basis (many that you don't even think about), and to pick out which of these things is inviting toxic people into your life is tough.

An easy way to begin is by talking to a few friends. They know you better than you think. They can probably tell you how you're coming across to others in certain situations. Don't be defensive when friends are honest with you. Listen. Take it in.

Another idea is to start a journal, and keep track of the people you meet. After a few weeks, reread your journal and look at the ways you responded when others approached you or talked to you. Were you overly inviting? Were you shy or timid? Pay special attention to all the signals you send to others.

If you continue to struggle, there's simply no substitute for good old fashioned counseling. Seeking help shows strength and courage — and there's no better opinion than a truly objective one.
After determining which traits you have that are attracting toxic people, you can begin to change your behavior, finding ways to repel toxic people away from you. As you change, so will your herd. And you'll soon find that the people you surround yourself with won't be toxic at all. They'll be caring, supportive and loyal.


Aneka Macam Keju Lezat Pendukung Diet Sehat

Keju dapat menyediakan jumlah lemak dan protein yang cukup untuk membantu perut terasa kenyang lebih lama.

Jika terlintas kata keju, Anda mungkin membayangkannya sebagai makanan tinggi lemak dan buruk bagi kesehatan. Meskipun beberapa dairy product seperti susu dan yoghurt mempunyai kadar karbohidrat tinggi, proses fermentasi yang diperlukan untuk memproduksi keju justru secara signifikan mengurangi jumlah kandungan karbohidrat, sehingga cocok bagi orang-orang yang menjalani diet.
Keju dapat menyediakan jumlah lemak dan protein yang cukup untuk membantu perut terasa kenyang lebih lama. Ada beberapa jenis keju yang dapat dimasukkan dalam pola diet Anda, selain keju parmesan.

Teksturnya yang halus, lembut, dan sedikit manis menjadikan ricotta sebagai keju paling sebaguna, mulai dari sajian berat seperti lasagna hingga dijadikan dessert. Selain mengandung tinggi kalsium, keju ini juga rendah sodium dan merupakan sumber selenium, serta antioksidan yang baik bagi tubuh. Menurut situs Livestrong, ½ cangkir keju ricotta menyediakan 216 kalori dan 3,8 gram karbohidrat. Untuk memotong nilai kalorinya, pilih yang berjenis low fat yang memberikan 171 kalori dalam porsi yang sama.

Di Yunani, keju Feta pertama kali dibuat dari susu domba atau kambing, sementara di AS biasanya dibuat dari susu sapi. Walau berbeda bahan, kedua keju feta tersebut sama-sama memberikan rasa asin dan tajam, seperti yang dilansir dari situs Livestrong. Mengandung 75 kalori, 6 gram lemak, dan 1,2 gram karbohidrat, keju ini masih bisa dimasukkan dalam pola diet, sekaligus menjadi sumber protein, riboflavin, kalsium, dan fosfor yang baik bagi tubuh. Gunakan feta untuk campuran salad hijau atau topping ayam panggang Anda.

Cottage Cheese
Mempunyai banyak jenis seperti satu persen, dua persen, non-fat, creamy, atau dry, cottage cheese tetap memiliki warna putih cerah dan tekstur yang bergelombang. Walau rendah kandungan lemak, keju ini rendah protein tapi tinggi sodium, jadi harus tetap dipertimbangkan asupannya ke dalam tubuh. Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan Curtin University of Australia menemukan, makan 5 porsi produk olahan susu rendah lemak, seperti cottage cheese, menyebabkan penurunan berat badan dan kehilangan lemak tubuh lebih besar, setelah mengonsumsinya selama 12 minggu. Untuk memotong jumlah kalori dan karbohidratnya, pilih satu persen cottage cheese yang hanya mengandung 81 kalori dan 3,1 gram karbohidrat dalam setiap ½ cangkir penyajian.
Tidak dilarang kok mengonsumsi keju saat sedang menjalani diet, tapi tetap harus memperhatikan porsi dan kandungan nutrisi di dalamnya ya. Say Cheese!


Karakter Pria Berdasarkan Golongan Darahnya (Lengkap)

Vemale.com - Di Jepang, golongan darah jauh lebih dipercaya untuk menebak sifat dan karakter seseorang. Berbagai penelitian dilakukan di negara tersebut untuk membuktikan bahwa golongan darah manusia membawa sifat yang berbeda-beda. Bahkan kabarnya, perusahaan-perusahaan di Jepang memiliki standar golongan darah tertentu saat menerima pegawai baru.
Karena itu, banyak orang yang juga memakai golongan darah untuk menebak sifat pasangannya. Kali ini Vemale.com akan mengupas tuntas sifat-sifat para pria berdasarkan golongan darahnya. Boleh percaya atau tidak, pria bergolongan darah A, B, AB dan O memiliki  karakter dan sifat dengan ciri khas berbeda.

Pria Bergolongan Darah A

Karakter Umum:
Sangat mudah menebak pria bergolongan darah A. Mereka yang pendiam dan tak banyak bicara biasanya memiliki golongan darah ini. Mereka juga berhati-hati dalam bertindak dan berbicara. Sangat taat aturan dan tidak akan melanggarnya. Memiliki perasaan yang halus dan selalu menjaga perasaan orang lain. Kadang pria bergolongan darah A pemalu tetapi ramah.

Sifat Positif:
Pria bergolongan darah A sangat menghargai kejujuran, maka mereka selalu berusaha untuk jujur (dengan tetap menjaga perasaan lawan bicaranya). Tidak suka mencampur urusan pekerjaan dan urusan pribadi. Dinamis dan sangat dekat dengan anak-anak. Mereka sangat jarang berselingkuh dan tidak akan menerima perselingkuhan yang dilakukan pasangannya.

Sifat Negatif
Walau terkenal lembut dan tenang, pria bergolongan darah A kadang tidak memiliki inisiatif untuk melakukan sesuatu, kadang harus dipancing dulu. Mereka sangat membutuhkan keamanan, sehingga sangat cerewet dan penuh pertimbangan. Karena banyak pertimbangan ini, banyak orang menganggap mereka lamban.

Pria Bergolongan Darah B

Karakter Umum:
Bisa dikatakan, pria bergolongan darah B sangat bertolak belakang dengan golongan darah A. Pria yang satu ini mencintai kebebasan, mandiri dan tidak suka diperintah. Bagi mereka, jika hari ini bisa dinikmati, kenapa mencemaskan besok? Mereka sangat energik, kreatif, dan percaya diri. Mereka juga tidak segan membantu orang lain sebab hidup mereka adalah kebebasan.

Sisi Positif:
Dengan pola pikir yang bebas, pria bergolongan darah B sangat kreatif dan cerdas. Jangan kaget jika mereka memberi kejutan manis yang tidak pernah Anda bayangkan. Walaupun kadang terlihat urakan, mereka adalah pria-pria yang romantis. Mereka juga akan percaya pada istrinya semua hal tentang rumah tangga, mulai uang dan sangat setia selama pasangannya juga setia.

Sisi Negatif:
Anda akan capek menasihatinya ini dan itu, sebab sering tidak didengar. Sedikit kurang bertanggung jawab pada apa yang sudah direncanakan. Kadang kabur dari tanggung jawab dan suka seenaknya sendiri. Suasana hati sering berubah, sehingga butuh kesabaran menghadapi mereka.

Pria Bergolongan Darah O

Karakter Umum:
Seorang pemimpin adalah julukan yang tepat untuk pria-pria bergolongan darah O. Saat baru pertama kali bertemu, mereka menunjukkan sikap dingin, penuh rahasia dan seolah tidak bisa diterobos. Namun jika sudah akrab, Anda akan menemukan sosok yang ramah dan sangat menyenangkan. Dinamis dan tidak takut tantangan membuat mereka sering sukses memimpin orang lain, bahkan dalam skala kecil, keluarga misalnya.

Sifat Positif:
Sekarang atau tidak sama sekali adalah motto pria bergolongan darah O. Anda akan kagum bagaimana mereka mengejar impian atau apa yang mereka percaya. Pengambil keputusan yang baik, di kantor ataupun di rumah. Dinamis, jujur, cerdas dan tidak mudah menyerah. Mereka adalah orang yang memiliki rasa tanggung jawab yang besar. Ramah dan romantis adalah bagian dari hidup mereka.

Sisi Negatif:
Seringkali tidak percaya pada orang lain. Sangat keras dan kadang tidak suka dikritik. Sering cerewet mengenai hal-hal yang dia anggap penting. Bahkan mereka sering mengecek pengeluaran rumah tangga yang sudah dipercayakan pada istrinya. Sekali ditipu, dia akan sangat marah. Maka jagalah kepercayaan yang dia berikan. Lebih suka wanita yang penurut dan bisa dipimpin.

Pria Bergolongan DarahAB

Karakter Umum:
Mereka adalah pria 'berkepribadian ganda'. Di satu sisi mereka begitu tenang dan taat aturan layaknya mereka yang bergolongan darah A, namun terkadang mereka sangat ingin bebas seperti mereka yang bergolongan darah B. Namun bersama pria ini, Anda tidak akan pernah bosan. Mereka adalah pria yang ramah dan mudah berbaur. Walaupun ada saja tingkah mereka yang aneh di mata Anda.

Sifat Positif:
Mereka suka perubahan, punya banyak teman, suka menghibur orang lain dan sering menjadi pusat perhatian. Namun lihatlah saat dia tenang tanpa orang lain, pemikiran mereka sangat dalam. Adaptasi adalah hal yang mudah bagi mereka. Memiliki kemampuan diplomasi dan pemimpi. Mereka sadar perannya sebagai pemimpin dalam keluarga. Dia akan bahagia jika banyak orang di sekitarnya.

Sifat Negatif:
Kadang sikapnya tidak dewasa dan terlalu pemimpi. Dia tidak akan menganggap sebuah hubungan serius selama dia belum mengatakannya kepada Anda (alias masih pilih-pilih yang terbaik). Suka pamer adalah salah satu kelemahannya. Dan terkadang, mereka kesulitan menghadapi sebuah masalah.


What Your Face Can Reveals About Your Health

One of the oldest medical treatises in the world is the Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon). This 2,000 year old work is the foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which has its own viewpoints on how the face can reveal a person’s health. Even the famous Dr. Oz has endorsed this ancient, yet effective diagnosis method. But can the face be used to reveal accurate health information about your body?

What Your Face Can Reveal About Your Health

The body’s genes and hormones directly influence the structure and appearance of the face. For example, UK researchers have found that people with yellowish/golden faces are healthier because the carotenoid pigment in the facial skin is associated with the immune system. A pinkish/reddish flush means increased circulation and indicates better health. Finally, people with higher levels of testosterone are generally wider-faced with bigger cheekbones. While biology does influence the face, your current health state can be diagnosed from analyzing certain parts of the face.

The Windows to the Soul
High cholesterol is indicated through eyelid pimples and white circles in the iris. Dark circles under the eyes indicate lack of sleep and iron deficiency. TCM teaches that the eyes are connected to the liver.

Thin or short teeth too much acid reflux while dry lips indicate dehydration and low iron. Mouth sores indicate vitamin B deficiency. TCM teaches that the intestines are connected to the mouth.

Facial Skin
Melasma, or brown patches, is very common among women who have high levels of estrogen. Yellow skin indicates liver problems or jaundice. Dreaded wrinkles don’t just reveal someone’s age, but also are connected to osteoporosis. Oily skin is exacerbated by diet while small bumps or puffy skin indicate a reaction to beauty products.

Wrinkled ear lobes (a slanting crease across the ear lobe) has been directly linked to increased chances of obtaining heart disease. Coincidentally, TCM and traditional Chinese folklore hold that large, droopy ears are a sign of longevity and vitality (as always seen on pictures of statutes of different Buddha’s). This is because the ears are connected to the kidneys, which are the source of qi or life energy.

A 2010 study found that people with bigger noses were more resistant to bacteria and dust particles. Nose bumps may indicate a rare medical condition called sarcoidosis (which causes organ scarring) or a nose rash may indicate lupus (auto-immune disease). TCM teaches that a red nose is a sign of back pain or a bladder inflammation.

Overall, both western medical research and Traditional Chinese Medicine agree that health and wellness can be analyzed and diagnosed through facial appearance.


Improve Your Balance With This Back-Strengthening Sequence

Computers have offered us exponential freedom in how we work, how we communicate and how we create, but they’ve wreaked havoc on our bodies. We sit interminably in front of our screens and slowly slump, victims of a crumbling postural state that has given birth to our modern epidemic of back, neck and shoulder problems.
Feeling like a collapsing lower-case "c," I vowed that before I sat down to my computer, I would work out every morning and include an abundance of exercises for the back body. After just a week, I am standing taller, feeling stronger and much more conscious to take computer breaks throughout the day.
These six exercises will help promote better posture and give you an equal balance of strength from front to back. When performing these exercises, keep the abdominals drawn in to support the lower back, and remember that form and control always trump speed and reps. So work precisely, pay attention to the feeling of each movement and take a break if you’re feeling uncomfortable in the lower back.

Child's Pose

After all that back work, this rest pose will be a welcome pleasure. Enjoy.
Position: Bend the knees and sit back on the heels, placing the forehead down and lengthening the arms forward on the floor; rest here for eight long breaths, guaranteed to feel great on the lower back.
Tip: Separate the knees slightly to make room for the ribcage, and focus on breathing slowly into the back of the lungs, which helps stretch out the back and develops greater lung capacity.
Photos by Katrina Wittkamp

By Lara Hudson  


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Here's how much sex happy couples have every month

The first two years of a relationship are usually considered to be the most exciting. After that, according to psychotherapist and author M. Gary Neuman, couples have to work to maintain that initial level of intimacy and excitement.

Neuman conducted a research experiment with 400 women who were either happily or unhappily married to find out how much sex happy couples should have every month.

Business Insider readers will get a 20 percent discount on Neuman's products for a limited time by using the promo code "businessinsider." Click here to visit his website.

Produced by Graham Flanagan

Here's what astronauts actually see when they go out for a walk in space

NASA sent an astronaut for a walk in space with a GoPro. Here's what he's facing 200 miles above Earth.
Produced by Kevin Reilly. Video courtesy of NASA.


5 Exercises To Fix Hunchback Posture From Office Work

Do you slouch in your office chair at work? Are you starting to notice rounded shoulders with your neck protruding forward? Do you stand up at 5 P.M. and feel like your back resembles a question mark?
If you answered "Yes" to these questions, you are part of a growing trend of people who experience postural problems from working in an office.
Slouching all day in an office chair forces your chest muscles to tighten, which pulls your spine forward and rotates your shoulders inward, while at the same time weakening the muscles of your upper back that aid in posture.
In other words, you start looking like a hunchback and may experience pain in your neck, lower back, and even arms and legs.
The good news is that Postural Kyphosis, the clinical term for this condition, is completely reversible. The 5 corrective exercises below can relieve chest tightness and strengthen your upper back muscles to help you look more like superman and less like a hunchback. Choose 3 of the 5 exercises (one must be a chest exercise) to complete a few times per week until your posture is improved. Before starting any exercise program, be sure to consult with your doctor. A guide by Built Lean:

Chest Stretch
Chest Stretch
Facing the corner of a wall, extend your right arm and put your hand against the side of the wall. Turn your body left and lean forward as you feel the stretch in your chest and shoulder. Be sure to keep your arm in line with the plane of your shoulder as you complete the stretch. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds and complete on both sides for 3 sets.

Chest Compression With A Massage Ball
Massage Ball Chest Exercise
In addition to stretching, deep tissue massage using a tennis, or massage ball can help restore muscle flexibility in your chest.
Holding a massage ball with both hands, press the ball and slowly roll it around the side of your chest. As you move the ball around, apply steady pressure to areas of tightness to relieve tension. Massage for 30 seconds on each side of your chest and complete for 3 sets.

Upper Back Foam Rolling
Upper Back Foam Rolling
Foam rolling is another massage technique that can improve your spine mobility and correct rounded shoulders. Lay the foam roller across the spine in the middle of your back right below your shoulder blades. Your knees should be bent, feet firmly planted against the ground, and hands comfortably behind your head. Lifting your hips off the ground, roll forward so the foam roller travels down your back an inch, then drop your hips to the floor. Repeat until the foam roller is hovering a couple inches below your neck, then slowly roll back down following the same pattern. If you feel any areas of stiffness, stay roll back and forth on top of the area for 10-15 seconds.
Complete this exercise for 3 sets going up, down, and up again. You may feel some pain and discomfort the first few times you complete this exercise, but over time, your upper back mobility will improve.

Prone Y Extension
Prone Y Extension Exercise
The Prone Y Extension accomplishes a lot in one exercise: it rotates your shoulders outward, stretches your abdomen (which is normally flexed), stretches your chest, and strengthens your lower back extensor muscles, along with the upper back muscles associated with posture.

Lie flat on the floor with your legs shoulder width apart and your arms extended in a "Y" over your head. Lift your torso off the ground while simultaneously externally rotating your shoulders so that your palms are facing upwards. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds, then lower down. Repeat for 3 sets of 8 repetitions.

Close Grip Row
Close Grip Row For Posture
The Close Grip Row can be completed seated using a cable machine, or standing using a resistance band demonstrated in the photo above.
Wrap the resistance band around a stable object at chest level and walk back a few feet until you feel moderate tension on the band. Your arms should be extended with a slight bend in your knees and feet placed shoulder width apart. Keeping your head up, shoulders back, chest out, back straight, and abs tight, slowly pull the bands toward the sides of your torso while squeezing your shoulder blades. Slowly resist the band until your arms are fully extended. Complete 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

To complement the exercises above, work in these everyday techniques into your business day:

Be Conscious of Your Posture
To ensure long term changes, it is critical that you become more conscious of posture when standing and sitting. Needless to say, human beings are not designed to sit in an office all day. We are built to move. Getting out of your office chair to walk around several times throughout the day can go a long way.

Follow A Balanced Exercise Program
If you are doing a lot of bench press, curls, and crunches, in combination with slouching in a chair all day long, kyphosis can worsen. Be sure to stretch your chest muscles and incorporate leg and back exercises into your fitness routine. An effectively structured fitness program can help improve your posture, functional strength, and overall health and well-being. If you are not regularly exercising, I would put it as #1 on your To-Do list.

Use Proper Ergonomics At Work
The monitor should be placed at arm's length directly in front of you at 15- 30 degrees below your line of sight. Your forearms should form a 90 degree angle as you type and your legs should form a 90 degree angle as you sit. Keep your shoulders back, chest out, head up and use a wrist pad placed directly behind the keyboard.
By incorporating these exercises and tips into your daily habits, you will enjoy improved posture, health, and confidence. For a video demonstration of each exercise mentioned in this article, check out How To Correct Rounded Shoulders on BuiltLean.com.
This article originally appeared at Built Lean. Copyright 2011.

5 Reasons To Do Planks Every Day

Planks are one of those exercises that will never go out of style, and for good reason. When it comes to core workouts, no exercise beats the plank in terms of effectiveness and time (not even crunches).
This move challenges the entire body and burns more calories than a traditional crunch. It's also much easier on the back and can help prevent injuries.
Here are five reasons to add planks to your workout every day:
1. Get major core definition.
Planks engage the transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, obliques and glutes. This is important because each muscle group serves a different purpose and gives you different definition.
The transverse abdominis increases abdominal pressure so you can lift more weight. It also helps to flatten out the stomach. The rectus abdominis improves performance in sports that require jumping and it gives you the six pack look. The obliques are responsible for side bending and waist twisting moves. Developing these muscles also give you that nice hourglass shape. The glutes support the back and give you a strong, shapely booty.
2. Reduce the risk of injury.
A strong core gives the body the ability to perform movements in all planes of motion. In order to perform sports or daily activities without pain, it's essential to have a strong core. Planks are a safe way to build muscle and protect the spine and hips during movement.
3. Workout anywhere.
Planks are a great go-to move while traveling or in a confined space. You don't need any equipment or much space, and if you're short on time, you can still get an amazing workout just doing planks. Drop down and do a set for a quick metabolism boost and calorie burner.
4. Improve posture.
A strong core translates to an upright body. You'll stand taller and be less likely to hunch over with a strong foundation. The muscles in the core support the spine, which is what contributes to great posture.
5. Improve balance.
A solid core increases stability in the entire body. It's essential for balance and coordination. If the core is weak, it'll be much more difficult to find equilibrium. There's a reason yogis have great balance — their core supports every movement they perform and keeps them in alignment.
Convinced? Here are four basic planks to get you that killer core in no time!
Forearm Plank
Come onto your forearms with legs extended straight back. Clasp hands and bring elbows directly under the shoulders. Come up onto the balls of your feet, forming a straight line from head to heels. Draw belly button in toward your spine. Engage quads and glutes the entire time. Hold for at least 30 seconds, up to one minute.

Side Plank
Come onto your right forearm with elbow under shoulder and feet stacked. Lift hips up as high as possible, forming a straight line from head to heels. Extend left arm directly over shoulder and press right hand into the mat. Keep core engaged the entire time. Hold for 30 seconds each side. For an extra challenge, lift your left leg up as well (photo).
Straight-Arm Plank With Shoulder Touch
Place hands under shoulders and come up onto the balls of your feet. Keep arms straight and gaze toward the floor. Squeeze shoulder blades together and draw your belly button up toward your spine. Keep quads and glutes engaged the entire time. Hold for at least 30 seconds, up to one minute.
Place hands under shoulders and come up onto the balls of your feet, keeping feet wider than hip-width. Keeping hips still, bring right hand up to touch left shoulder. Return to center and bring left hand up to touch right shoulder. Continue to alternate, keeping torso and legs as still as possible. Perform for at least 30 seconds, up to one minute.
Photo Credit: Stocksy
By Nora Tobin 


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

6 Cara mudah cegah bibir pecah-pecah

Ilustrasi bibir. ©2014 Merdeka.com/Shutterstock/petrunjela

Merdeka.com - Siapa sih yang tak ingin punya bibir lembut dan segar? Namun tak sedikit orang yang sering mengalami bibir pecah-pecah. Selain membuat penampilan menjadi tak menarik, bibir pecah-pecah juga menyakitkan.

Bibir pecah-pecah bisa disebabkan oleh banyak hal, mulai dari panas dalam, dehidrasi, hingga kesalahan perawatan pada bibir. Karena itu, agar bibir tetap segar dan anti pecah-pecah, coba lakukan beberapa tindakan pencegahan berikut ini.

1. Tetap hangat
Cuaca dingin bisa membuat bibir kering dan akhirnya pecah-pecah. Jika di laur udara sedang dingin, lindungi bibir Anda dengan menutupinya menggunakan scarf atau masker. Ini akan membuat bibir dan wajah menjadi lebih hangat dan tak mudah kering terkena angin dingin.

2. Gunakan lip balm
Jaga bibir agar tetap lembut dengan menggunakan lip balm. Pilih lip balm yan terbuat dari petroleum jelly atau beeswax untuk menjaga bibir tetap lembap. Selain itu, juga pilih lipbalm yang mengandung SPF untuk melindunginya dari sinar matahari. Sinar matahari yang jahat tak hanya berbahaya untuk kulit, tetapi juga bibir kalian.

3. Perhatikan saat membasuh wajah
Rajin membersihkan wajah memang kebiasaan baik, namun bisa jadi cara membasuh wajah yang salah justru tak baik untuk bibir. Hindari menggosok cleanser pada bibir dengan berlebihan. Ini akan membuat bibir kering dan akhirnya lebih mudah pecah-pecah. Selain itu, hindari penggunaan pembersih wajah yang mengandung benzoyl peroxide atau salicylic acid karena bisa membuat bibir pecah-pecah.

4. Banyak minum
Banyak minum dan memenuhi kebutuhan cairan tubuh sangat penting untuk menghindari bibir pecah-pecah. Banyak minum tak hanya baik untuk kesehatan tubuh, tetapi juga bisa membuat wajah dan kulit tampak berseri, termasuk membuat bibir lembut dan tak kering.

5. Gunakan scrub bibir
Jangan lupa menggunakan scrub bibir, namun jangan menggunakan berlebihan. Gosok bibir dengan lembut menggunakan scrub untuk menjaga bibir tetap halus. Jika bibir sudah pecah-pecah, gunakan scrub untuk menghilangkan kulit mati yang kering.

6. Jangan dijilat
Jangan menjilat bibir, meski bibir terlihat pecah-pecah dan kering. Menjilat bibir hanya akan membuatnya lebih kering. Karena itu jangan biasakan menjilat bibir.

7. Bernapas lewat hidung
Ini mungkin cara yang cukup aneh, namun bisa berhasil. Bernapas lewat mulut akan membuat bibir cepat kering dan pecah-pecah. Karena itu biasakan bernapas lewat hidung untuk mencegah udara dingin masuk ke mulut dan merusak kelembutan bibir.

Itulah beberapa cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk mencegah bibir pecah-pecah. Kesehatan dan kelembutan bibir juga harus dijaga agar bibir tetap terlihat lembut dan segar.
