
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

5 secrets to make him crazy for you

It's easier than you think to seduce your husband.
Intimate relationships are very important in a couple's life. Besides being able to create children, sex generally brings couples closer together and improves better understanding between each spouse.

It is important for men and women to understand the differences in feelings and actions each gender has when it comes to sex. This article specifically deals with how men handle sex, and in return, how women can keep them interested, even after years of marriage.

Male sexuality

Men are more visual. He is enchanted by what he sees, and may be excited with a simple image of nudity. It is no wonder that the porn industry targets men as their main client, but it's important to understand that pornography is not normal. In fact, it glamourizes those who are led by their weaknesses. Pornography only takes into account the self-centered aspect of sex – rather than focusing on the emotions of both the man and woman involved.

1. Show interest

Many women are shy about expressing their sexual desires; however, it's healthy to discard prejudices and express what you want. Husbands want their wives to initiate sex instead of making excuses when he seeks it. Having both spouses initiate sex creates a healthy sexual relationship.

2. Take care of appearance

Many women neglect themselves over time. Try to stay well-groomed and healthy. Do what you need to develop a good self-esteem. It doesn't cost anything to please the eyes of someone you love.

3. Don't hate on yourself

You're smart! You're beautiful! While it will help you feel better to do the above, also realize we all have imperfections, and your husband loves you the way you are. Insecurities like, "I'm overweight," or "I do not like my body," can greatly impair sexual life. Love and value yourself. Highlight what you like about yourself and draw his attention to it.

4. Show love in simple ways

Look for the small things he enjoys about life. Doing those little things throughout the day can help you both feel more in love. When the time comes to be intimate, it comes more naturally for you both. This is a great weapon of seduction.

5. Give of yourself, body and soul

Life and stress happens. You may need to take some time to release negative emotions about him before you can have a desire to be intimate. Learn to focus on the positive. Healthy sexual relationships can help strengthen the love you feel for each other.


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Jauhkan Anakmu Dari Kemudahan

Seorang mahasiswi mengeluh. Dari SD hingga lulus S-1, ia selalu juara. Namun kini, di program S-2, ia begitu kesulitan menghadapi dosennya yang menyepelekannya. Judul tesisnya selalu ditolak tanpa alasan yang jelas. Kalau jadwal bertemu dibatalkan sepihak oleh dosen, ia sulit menerimanya.

Sementara itu, teman-temannya, yang cepat selesai, jago mencari celah. Ia menduga, teman-temannya yang tak sepintar dirinya itu “ada main” dengan dosen-dosennya. “Karena mereka tak sepintar aku,” ujarnya.

Banyak orangtua yang belum menyadari, di balik nilai-nilai tinggi yang dicapai anak-anaknya semasa sekolah, mereka menyandang persoalan besar: kesombongan dan ketidakmampuan menghadapi kesulitan. Bila hal ini saja tak bisa diatasi, maka masa depan ekonominya pun akan sulit.

Mungkin inilah yang perlu dilakukan orangtua dan kaum muda: belajar menghadapi realitas dunia orang dewasa, yaitu kesulitan dan rintangan.

Hadiah orangtua

Psikolog Stanford University, Carol Dweck, yang menulis temuan dari eksperimennya dalam buku The New Psychology of Success, menulis, “Hadiah terpenting dan terindah dari orangtua pada anak-anaknya adalah tantangan”.

Ya, tantangan. Apakah itu kesulitan-kesulitan hidup, rasa frustrasi dalam memecahkan masalah, sampai kegagalan “membuka pintu”, jatuh bangun di usia muda. Ini berbeda dengan pandangan banyak orangtua yang cepat-cepat ingin mengambil masalah yang dihadapi anak-anaknya.

Kesulitan belajar mereka biasanya kita atasi dengan mendatangkan guru-guru les, atau bahkan menyuap sekolah dan guru-gurunya. Bahkan, tak sedikit pejabat mengambil alih tanggung jawab anak-anaknya ketika menghadapi proses hukum karena kelalaian mereka di jalan raya.

Kesalahan mereka membuat kita resah. Masalah mereka adalah masalah kita, bukan milik mereka.
Termasuk di dalamnya adalah rasa bangga orangtua yang berlebihan ketika anak-anaknya mengalami kemudahan dalam belajar dibandingkan rekan-rekannya di sekolah.

Berkebalikan dengan pujian yang dibangga-banggakan, Dweck malah menganjurkan orangtua untuk mengucapkan kalimat seperti ini: “Maafkan Ibu telah membuat segala sesuatu terlalu gampang untukmu, Nak. Soal ini kurang menarik. Bagaimana kalau kita coba yang lebih menantang?”

Jadi, dari kecil, saran Dweck, anak-anak harus dibiasakan dibesarkan dalam alam yang menantang, bukan asal gampang atau digampangkan. Pujian boleh untuk menyemangati, bukan membuatnya selalu mudah.

Saya teringat masa-masa muda dan kanak-kanak saya yang hampir setiap saat menghadapi kesulitan dan tantangan. Kata reporter sebuah majalah, saya ini termasuk “bengal”. Namun ibu saya bilang, saya kreatif. Kakak-kakak saya bilang saya bandel. Namun, otak saya bilang “selalu ada jalan keluar dari setiap kesulitan”.

Begitu memasuki dunia dewasa, seorang anak akan melihat dunia yang jauh berbeda dengan masa kanak-kanak. Dunia orang dewasa, sejatinya, banyak keanehannya, tipu-tipunya. Hal gampang bisa dibuat menjadi sulit. Namun, otak saya selalu ingin membalikkannya.

Demikianlah, hal-hal sepele sering dibuat orang menjadi masalah besar.
Banyak ilmuwan pintar, tetapi reaktif dan cepat tersinggung. Demikian pula kalau orang sudah senang, apa pun yang kita inginkan selalu bisa diberikan.

Panggung Orang Dewasa

Dunia orang dewasa itu adalah sebuah panggung besar dengan unfair treatment yang menyakitkan bagi mereka yang dibesarkan dalam kemudahan dan alam yang protektif.
Kemudahan-kemudahan yang didapat pada usia muda akan hilang begitu seseorang tamat SMU.

Di dunia kerja, keadaan yang lebih menyakitkan akan mungkin lebih banyak lagi ditemui.
Fakta-fakta akan sangat mudah Anda temui bahwa tak semua orang, yang secara akademis hebat, mampu menjadi pejabat atau CEO. Jawabannya hanya satu: hidup seperti ini sungguh menantang.

Tantangan-tantangan itu tak boleh membuat seseorang cepat menyerah atau secara defensif menyatakan para pemenang itu “bodoh”, tidak logis, tidak mengerti, dan lain sebagainya.

Berkata bahwa hanya kitalah orang yang pintar, yang paling mengerti, hanya akan menunjukkan ketidakberdayaan belaka. Dan pernyataan ini hanya keluar dari orang pintar yang miskin perspektif, dan kurang menghadapi ujian yang sesungguhnya.

Dalam banyak kesempatan, kita menyaksikan banyak orang-orang pintar menjadi tampak bodoh karena ia memang bodoh mengelola kesulitan. Ia hanya pandai berkelit atau ngoceh-ngoceh di belakang panggung, bersungut-sungut karena kini tak ada lagi orang dewasa yang mengambil alih kesulitan yang ia hadapi.

Di Universitas Indonesia, saya membentuk mahasiswa-mahasiswa saya agar berani menghadapi tantangan dengan cara satu orang pergi ke satu negara tanpa ditemani satu orang pun agar berani menghadapi kesulitan, kesasar, ketinggalan pesawat, atau kehabisan uang.

Namun lagi-lagi orangtua sering mengintervensi mereka dengan mencarikan travel agent, memberikan paket tur, uang jajan dalam jumlah besar, menitipkan perjalanan pada teman di luar negeri, menyediakan penginapan yang aman, dan lain sebagainya. Padahal, anak-anak itu hanya butuh satu kesempatan: bagaimana menghadapi kesulitan dengan caranya sendiri.

Hidup yang indah adalah hidup dalam alam sebenarnya, yaitu alam yang penuh tantangan.

Dan inilah esensi perekonomian abad ke-21: bergejolak, ketidakpastian, dan membuat manusia menghadapi ambiguitas. Namun dalam kondisi seperti itulah sesungguhnya manusia berpikir. Dan ketika kita berpikir, tampaklah pintu-pintu baru terbuka, saat pintu-pintu hafalan kita tertutup.

Jadi inilah yang mengakibatkan banyak sekali orang pintar sulit dalam menghadapi kesulitan.

Maka dari itu, pesan Carol Dweck, dari apa yang saya renungi, sebenarnya sederhana saja: orangtua, jangan cepat-cepat merampas kesulitan yang dihadapi anak-anakmu. Sebaliknya, berilah mereka kesempatan untuk menghadapi tantangan dan kesulitan.

sumber : rhenald kasali


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Seven fantastic exercises to give you a healthy spine

Back pain is no joke. Regardless of whether someone has a highly active lifestyle or is completely lazy, every one of us risks damaging our spine through our everday activities.
Luckily for you, we’ve found a few simple, but very effective exercises which are guaranteed to help you get rid of back pain you might experience.

Exercise 1

Lie on your back. Bend your right leg at the knee. Stretch out your left leg above your head. Grasp it with both hands under the knee, and pull it towards your torso. Hold this pulling motion for 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise twice for both legs.

Exercise 2

Lie on your back and bend both legs at the knee. Grasp your left leg with both hands at the knee and pull it towards your torso. Hold the position for 20 seconds. Repeat the exercise twice for both legs.

Exercise 3

Lie on your back. Stretch your right arm out to the side, at a right angle to your body. Stretch your left leg out so that it is straight. Try to stretch your right knee towards your left side, so that it almost touches your left hand. Hold this position for 20 seconds. Repeat the exercise twice for both knees.

Exercise 4

Lie on your back and bend your left leg at the knee. Place the lower half of your right leg crosswise over your left thigh, with your knee pointing out sideways at a right angle. Carefully pull your left leg towards your head. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Switch the position of your legs and repeat.

Exercise 5
Lean on the floor on your using your right knee and stretch out your leg behind you. Your left leg should be bent at the knee. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise with the position of your legs changed.

Exercise 6

Lie on your right side. Bend your left leg at the knee, grasping your ankle with your left hand. Carefully pully on your ankle with your hand, thereby tensing the muscles in your left thigh. Your spine should not be bent to any great extent. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Then lie on your left side and repeat the exercise.

Exercise 7

Stand arms’ length from a table. Bend your upper body forward, slightly bending your legs at the knees, to the point where you can touch the edge of the table with both hands. Your arms should be stretched out and your head at the level of your shoulders. Hold this position for ten seconds. Then stand up straight and bend your body to each side, one after the other.

Once you’ve done all this, we promise you’ll fee great!



Thursday, August 6, 2015

4 key reasons why it matters to put your spouse before your children

There are important reasons why your spouse should be your first priority, even before your children. That doesn’t mean you don’t love your children; it means you love them enough to keep your priorities in the right order.

  • Editor's Note: Written in response to their highly popular article (read by over 4 million people), 10 ways you are being unfaithful to your spouse - and you don't even know it.
    There is a natural order in marriage. It begins with two people falling in love, believing that they are the most important person in the world to each other. As children come along they need to be cherished and loved but never more than your spouse. Then when they're grown and gone, it's back to just two people again. When these two remain in love, it provides a stability and a legacy for the children, no matter their age.
  • The four key reasons

  • Your children need to see how marriage works

    If you push your spouse down on your list of priorities, your children will believe that marriage isn't all that important. On the other hand, if they see you honoring your spouse with that number one spot, they will feel a love and security that can come in no other way.
    A young adult shared the following experience. She said, "When I was little I used to ask my mom who she loved the most, me or Dad. She always said, "Dad." I asked him the same question, and he answered "Mom." Of course, I knew they loved me, but I was always a little disappointed that they didn't say they loved me the most. A few years later I asked them again and the answer they gave showed me on top, at last. They said they loved me the most. The funny thing is, it didn't feel so good after all. It wasn't the feeling I was expecting. I liked it better when they said they loved each other the most." A few years later they were divorced. She said, "They needed to keep loving each other the most, then I might still have a mom and dad together. It's sad." (First published here)
    Twin college coeds were counseling their younger sisters about what to look for in their future husband. They wrote: "Tonight when Dad comes home from work or meetings, listen to the first words he'll say when he walks in the door: 'Where's my beautiful wife?' Then watch as he searches the house to find her, just so he can kiss her to let her know he loves her. Notice how he'll start helping with whatever he can right away, and how he makes every one of you feel so important as he asks about your day."
    Putting your spouse first does not diminish the love your children feel from you. It enhances it as long as you show love to them as well.
  • It creates a feeling of romance in your marriage

    You know right off the top that you matter to your spouse, and that's romantic. How open are you to respond with love and affection when you feel that you are the most important person in the world to your spouse? Keeping romance alive in marriage is crucial. And this is not just about "making love," it's about giving love in everyday little acts of caring that show your spouse how much he or she means to you. An unhappy wife told us that her husband meets the needs of everyone else first and rarely even notices hers. Are there times when a child's needs come first? Of course, but not continually and not at the expense of your spouse. A father of three young children, when asked if he still had the top spot on his wife's list of priorities, said, "I'm not even on the list." He wasn't laughing. Busy spouses must always find time to show their mates how important they are to them.
  • Children who are continually number one become self-centered

    When they are practically worshiped at home by a parent, children go out into the world with an unrealistic view; one that says they are owed. In an article by physician Danielle Teller, titled "How American parenting is killing the American marriage," she said, "Children who are raised to believe that they are the center of the universe have a tough time when their special status erodes as they approach adulthood. Most troubling of all, couples who live entirely child-centric lives can lose touch with one another to the point where they have nothing left to say to one another when the kids leave home... Is it surprising that divorce rates are rising fastest for new empty nesters?"
  • It helps everything else in your life go better

    When your marriage is going well, it improves every other part of your life. If you have to spend time worrying about your marriage, it will take away from your productivity at work. Even more important, if you spend time fretting over marital problems, you have less time to devote to your children. There is only so much time and space in your life so keeping the marriage strong opens up more avenues for your relationship with your children to flourish. Keeping your spouse in that number one spot is what helps make that happen.
    When divorce and remarriage enter the scene, it can be complicated. Where do the children of the first marriage fit? The new spouse deserves that number one spot, but that does not mean the children of a previous marriage are excluded. Children of divorce can feel left out and unloved if proper attention is not given to them. They may not be number one, but they need to be a very close number two, even if they are unlovable at times. They're hurting. They need both of their natural parents' love for them to thrive.
    If you are a step-parent (some call it more lovingly — a bonus parent), then you need to be willing to welcome your current mate's children into your lives and allow him or her to have time to enjoy their children. Bring them into a loving family where they can see that your current marriage is one of happiness and strength. It will give them a feeling of security they were missing before.


NASA unveils EPIC photobomb by the far side of the moon

Moon passed between Sun and Earth, taken by NASA's spacecraft in 16th July 2015.
“I’m having trouble getting over how awesome this is,” tweeted Peter Gleick, a scientist at the Pacific Institute. Al Gore called it “incredible.” Another said it was “existentially humbling.”

They’re all singing the praises of NASA’s latest visual offering: A view, from 1 million miles away, of the moon as it passes between the DSCOVR spacecraft’s “EPIC” camera and the Earth.

These images, which were taken between 3:50 p.m. and 8:45 p.m. EDT on July 16, show the moon passing over the Pacific Ocean near North America. NASA said the camera will be able to capture the moon and Earth together twice a year once it begins regular observations next month.

The view, while unique, isn’t the first glimpse we’ve had of the far side of the moon shielded from us on Earth. That distinction, NASA says, belongs to the images returned by the Soviet Luna 3 in 1959.
In 2008, NASA captured a similar view from 31 million miles a way, but they showed a moon that, unlike the latest batch, showed only a partially illuminated moon

NASA pointed out that the lunar far side doesn’t have “the large, dark, basaltic plains, or maria, that are so prominent on the Earth-facing side.” Features, however, include the Mare Moscoviense in the upper left and the Tsiolkovskiy crater in the lower left.

“It is surprising how much brighter Earth is than the moon,” said Adam Szabo, DSCOVR project scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. “Our planet is a truly brilliant object in dark space compared to the lunar surface.”


Monday, August 3, 2015

5 ways you are unknowingly destroying your husband and killing your marriage

You might be surprised to figure out you are doing these five destructive things that will ultimately ruin your relationship with your spouse.

  • When I got married, I was amazed at the instant, overwhelming sense of responsibility I felt to love and care for my husband. Suddenly, a huge part of someone else's well-being and happiness was largely affected by my choices and actions.
    Women, we need to be careful about how we are caring for our husbands and marriages. Don't let the small stuff ruin the things that will bring you the greatest happiness in life.
    Here are just a few ways you might be unknowingly destroying your husband and killing your marriage (as a caveat, please understand that although this article is directed toward women, it applies to men as well):

  • 1. Living outside of what you can afford

    A wise old woman from my church congregation once advised: "The best thing you can do as a wife is to live within your husband's means."
    Wives, show sincere appreciation and respect to your husband by carefully following a budget and making the most of what you have. Be wise about your finances.
    Constantly complaining about not having enough to fulfill your lavish desires or racking up astronomical amounts of debt on your credit card is a poor way of saying "thank you" to a faithful spouse who works hard every day to provide for the family.
    Yes, you may not have enough to buy that Kate Spade bag you've had your eyes on for months, but your husband will love and appreciate the fact that you honor him and are grateful for what he provides.

  • 2. Constant negativity

    You hate your hair, the messes around the house, the neighbor across the street, your dumb co-worker, the old dishwasher, and everything in between. As soon as your husband walks through the door, you launch into action and dump every negative and angry thought that's crossed your mind throughout the day.
    Can you imagine having to carry that burden? Negativity is draining. Men like to fix things, and constantly being hounded with complaints makes it difficult for him to help solve your pains.
    If there is one thing I've learned from marriage is that a good man wants you to be happy, and if he can't help you do that, it makes him unhappy. It's okay to have a bad day once in a while, that's totally understandable, but don't make it a way of life.

  • 3. Putting everything else first

    When your children, mom, best friends, talents, or career in front of your husband, you send a clear message to him that he is unimportant. Imagine having that message sent to you every day for many years. What would that do to your self esteem?
    Put your husband first.
    Although it sometimes seems counter-intuitive and counterproductive, I think you'd be amazed to find that it's often the key to the greatest happiness in marriage. So many couples get divorced these days, because they neglect to care and love one another and put each other first.
    If you choose to put each other first, you will find a lot of joy.
    Read: 4 key reasons why it matters to put your spouse before your children  

  • 4. Withholding physical affection

    Men crave and need physical affection with their wives. When you constantly decline intimacy, it wears on them.
    Sex should not be used as a tool to control your spouse; it should be viewed as a sacred tool to draw you closer to one another and to God.
    It is a great blessing to be wanted and needed by a loving, romantic husband who wants to share something so beautiful and important with you -- and you only. Even though you might not always be in the mood, it's worth it to give in (when you can) and spend that time bonding.
  • 5. Not speaking his language

    Women love to drop hints. (I think it's part of our DNA.) But men just don't get them. (I think that is a part of their DNA.)
    Don't waste your time giving subtle hints that he won't understand: Speak plainly to him. Be honest about your feelings, and don't bottle things up until you burst. If he asks you what's wrong, don't respond with "nothing" and then expect him to read your mind and emotions. Be open about how you really feel.
    UPDATE: Men, this advice applies to you as well. Check out, "5 ways you are unknowingly destroying your wife and killing your marriage".


Friday, July 31, 2015

5 ways you are unknowingly destroying your wife and killing your marriage

What you don't know CAN hurt you. These five things are hurting your wife and killing your marriage.

  • It's tough being a man these days. Modern men are expected to be sensitive, caring and in tune with their feelings; while at the same time they're still expected to be strong, protectors and able to fix anything that breaks. Men can't be too sensitive or they're not being good enough protectors. On the other hand, they can't be too protective or else they're not being sensitive enough.
  • As men, we try to navigate this balance between being caring and being strong. And because it can be such a fine line, there are a lot of times we fail. And there are things we do that are hurting our wives and killing our marriages. Here are five:
  • 1. Not providing the basics for the family

    As a man, it is your responsibility to provide for your family, regardless of whether or not your wife works. Sometimes this means working a few overtime shifts so your kids can sign up for that baseball league. And sometimes this means biting your lip when your boss is being a jerk because you need the stability for your family. But it makes it all worth it when you come home at night and see the smiles on everyone's face.

  • 2. Pessimism

    Ever since you were a kid, you were taught to, "Man up," and, "Don't cry," just to accept the fact that bad things just happen in life. While this is good advice sometimes, your wife also needs you to be an optimist. Your relationship will need to rally from all kinds of challenges, failures, hurt feelings and health problems. Your wife doesn't need someone to tell her to stop crying, she needs a shoulder to cry on.
  • 3. Withholding physical affection

    Yes, men do this, too. Physical affection is more than just sex. It includes giving her hugs before you leave for work, holding her hand in the aisle at the grocery store and pulling her close to you when you're watching a movie on the couch together. If you're withholding these things from her, you're withholding physical affection that she thrives on. The affection you try to show inside the bedroom will never make up for the physical affection you show her outside the bedroom.

  • 4. Putting other things first

    Of the hundreds of girls you knew and dozens that you dated, your wife was the one you picked to spend the rest of your life with. She needs to know that you still pick her. Every time you check your smartphone when you're out together or every time you come home late from work without calling you're sending her a message that she's not important to you. Consequently, she wonders if you still care about her as much as when you first got married.
    Your work is important, but don't forget what you're working for. Remember that there's nothing on your phone that's more important than what's going on right around you.
  • 5. Not speaking her language

    Women need to know they are loved and that you are grateful for her. You think you're showing love by going to work every day and bringing home a paycheck, so most of the time you don't do much more than that (except maybe on Valentine's Day).
    But, she needs more than that to see your love and she needs you to show her that you're doing it all for her. So take a little extra time and do something special. Send her a couple texts during the day or bring her home some flowers from the grocery store. You might be surprised at the reaction you get. 
 UPDATE: Women, this advice applies to you as well. Check out, "5 ways you are unknowingly destroying your husband and killing your marriage".


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Cerita Bijak Confucius dan Yan Hui

Yan Hui adalah murid kesayangan Confucius yang suka belajar, sifatnya baik.
Pada suatu hari ketika Yan Hui sedang bertugas, dia melihat satu toko kain sedang dikerumuni banyak orang. Dia mendekat dan mendapati pembeli dan penjual kain sedang berdebat.
Pembeli berteriak: “3×8 = 23, kenapa kamu bilang 24?”
Yan Hui mendekati pembeli kain dan berkata: “Sobat, 3×8 = 24, tidak usah diperdebatkan lagi.”
Pembeli kain tidak senang lalu menunjuk hidung Yan Hui dan berkata: “Siapa minta pendapatmu? Kalaupun mau minta pendapat mesti minta ke Confusius.
Benar atau salah Confusius yang berhak mengatakan.”
Yan Hui: “Baik, jika Confucius bilang kamu salah, bagaimana?”
Pembeli kain: “Kalau Confucius bilang saya salah, kepalaku aku potong untukmu. Kalau kamu yang salah, bagaimana?”
Yan Hui: “Kalau saya yang salah, jabatanku untukmu.”
Keduanya sepakat untuk bertaruh, lalu pergi mencari Confucius. Setelah Confucius tahu duduk persoalannya, Confucius berkata kepada Yan Hui sambil tertawa: “3×8 = 23. Yan Hui, kamu kalah. Berikan jabatanmu kepada dia.”

Selamanya Yan Hui tidak akan berdebat dengan gurunya. Ketika mendengar Confucius berkata dia salah, diturunkannya topinya lalu dia berikan kepada pembeli kain. Orang itu mengambil topi Yan Hui dan berlalu
dengan puas.
Walaupun Yan Hui menerima penilaian Confucius tapi hatinya tidak sependapat.
Dia merasa Confucius sudah tua dan pikun sehingga dia tidak mau lagi belajar darinya. Yan Hui minta cuti dengan alasan urusan keluarga. Confusius tahu isi hati Yan Hui dan memberi cuti padanya. Sebelum berangkat, Yan Hui pamitan dan Confucius memintanya cepat kembali setelah urusannya selesai,
dan memberi Yan Hui dua nasihat: “Bila hujan lebat, janganlah berteduh di bawah pohon. Dan jangan membunuh.”
Yan Hui menjawab, “Baiklah,” lalu berangkat pulang.
Di dalam perjalanan tiba-tiba angin kencang disertai petir, kelihatannya sudah mau turun hujan lebat.
Yan Hui ingin berlindung di bawah pohon tapi tiba-tiba ingat nasihat Confucius dan dalam hati berpikir untuk menuruti kata gurunya sekali lagi. Dia meninggalkan pohon itu. Belum lama dia pergi, petir menyambar dan pohon itu hancur. Yan Hui terkejut, nasihat gurunya yang pertama sudah terbukti.

Apakah saya akan membunuh orang?
Yan Hui tiba di rumahnya saat malam sudah larut dan tidak ingin mengganggu tidur istrinya. Dia menggunakan pedangnya untuk membuka kamarnya. Sesampai di depan ranjang, dia meraba dan mendapati ada seorang di sisi kiri ranjang dan seorang lagi di sisi kanan. Dia sangat marah, dan mau menghunus pedangnya. Pada saat mau menghujamkan pedangnya, dia ingat lagi nasihat Confucius, jangan membunuh. Dia lalu menyalakan lilin dan ternyata yang tidur disamping istrinya adalah adik istrinya.

Pada keesokan harinya, Yan Hui kembali ke Confucius, berlutut dan berkata:
“Guru, bagaimana guru tahu apa yang akan terjadi?”
Confucius berkata: “Kemarin hari sangatlah panas, diperkirakan akan turun
hujan petir, makanya guru mengingatkanmu untuk tidak berlindung dibawah pohon. Kamu kemarin pergi dengan amarah dan membawa pedang, maka guru mengingatkanmu agar jangan membunuh”.

Yan Hui berkata: “Guru, perkiraanmu hebat sekali, murid sangatlah kagum.”
Jawab Confucius : “Aku tahu kamu minta cuti bukanlah karena urusan keluarga.
Kamu tidak ingin belajar lagi dariku. Cobalah kamu pikir. Kemarin guru bilang 3×8=23 adalah benar, kamu kalah dan kehilangan jabatanmu. Tapi jikalau guru bilang 3×8=24 adalah benar, si pembeli kainlah yang kalah dan itu berarti akan hilang 1 nyawa. Menurutmu, jabatanmu lebih penting atau kehilangan 1 nyawa yang lebih penting?”

Yan Hui sadar akan kesalahannya dan berkata : “Guru mementingkan yang lebih utama, murid malah berpikir guru sudah tua dan pikun. Murid benar2 malu.”
Sejak itu, kemanapun Confucius pergi Yan Hui selalu mengikutinya.

Cerita ini mengingatkan kita:
Jikapun aku bertaruh dan memenangkan seluruh dunia, tapi aku kehilangan kamu, apalah artinya. Dengan kata lain, kamu bertaruh memenangkan apa yang kamu anggap adalah kebenaran, tapi malah kehilangan sesuatu yang lebih penting. Banyak hal ada kadar kepentingannya. Janganlah gara-gara bertaruh mati-matian untuk prinsip kebenaran itu, tapi akhirnya malah menyesal, sudahlah terlambat. Banyak hal sebenarnya tidak perlu dipertaruhkan. Mundur selangkah, malah yang didapat adalah kebaikan bagi semua orang.


Monday, July 20, 2015

Sejarah Makanan Cakwe Dari Jendral Yue Fei

Sejarah Makanan Cakwe Dari Jenderal Yue Fei

Di Hangzhou, selain tentang Legenda Siluman Ular Putihnya ( baca disini ) yang mendunia, ternyata Hangzhou sangat terkenal dengan makanan cakwe. Hampir seisi kota menjual cakwe. Sebenarnya sih, seluruh China ( baca disini ) ada saja yang menjual cakwe. Tapi, yang paling terkenal dan yang paling enak, konon kabarnya adalah di Hangzhou. Tidak berlebihan juga, karena asal muasal makanan cakwe itu berasal dari kota ini.

Rupanya ada cerita dan nilai sejarah dibalik makanan cakwe ini. Adalah seorang Jendral yang sangat terkenal jago kungfu dan pemanah yang tangguh pada zaman dinasti Song Selatan bernama Jendral Yue Fei. Sang Jendral sangatlah dihormati karena kehebatannya dalam berperang. Beliau selalu dipuja masyarakat dan nama besarnya sangat dijunjung tinggi. Begitu juga dengan Kaisar, sangat memandang Jendral Yue Fei. Posisinya kemudian semakin bersinar berkat prestasinya yang selalu berhasil dalam peperangan melawan dinasti Jin (baca: Cin).
Jenderal Yue Fei
Dipunggung sang Jendral terdapat sebuah tato yang mempunyai arti khusus " Segenap Hati Setia dan Membela Negara". Tato itu dibuatkan sendiri oleh Ibunda Yue Fei dan disaksikan oleh istri dan anaknya.
Ibunda Yue Fei membuatkan tato bertuliskan jin zhong bao guo (Segenap Hati Setia dan Membela Negara)
Kepopuleran Jendral Yue Fei membuat iri hati dari pejabat-pejabat lainnya. Ada sepasang suami istri pejabat bernama Qin Hui dan Lady Wang yang sangat benci sang jendral kemudian membuat sebuah taktik untuk menjebak Jendral Yue Fei, yaitu meminta Kaisar Gaozong untuk memanggil Jendral Yue Fei pulang saat sedang berperang untuk merebut kembali Ibukota Song Utara, Kaifeng. Setelah menolak surat perintah Kaisar sebanyak 11 kali, pada surat perintah ke 12, Sang Jendral akhirnya pulang ke Ibukota Song Selatan. Tuduhan, fitnahan dan segala akal busuk berhasil merobek nama bersih Jendral. Pada tahun 1142, Jendral Yue Fei beserta anaknya Yue Yun dan pengikutnya Zhang Xian akhirnya dihukum mati dengan tuduhan melanggar surat perintah Kaisar di usia 39 tahun.

Lukisan sejarah kehidupan Jenderal Yue Fei

Rakyat tidak terima, rakyat marah tapi tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa. Rakyat tidak berani protes didepan umum, tidak berani beraksi. Ceritanya, ada seorang bibi tua, sangking bencinya pada pejabat Qin Hui dan istrinya yang telah memfitnah Jendereal Yue Fei, meluapkan emosinya dengan membuat makanan semacam kue panggang.

Takut ketahuan emosinya, si bibi tua itu, kemudian marah-marah kepada sepasang suami istri pejabat itu dengan menyebut mereka dengan nama lain. Saat kuenya mau digoreng, bibi tua menyebutkan : " Cha Kwe...Cha.. Kwe.." Dimana Cha artinya bunuh , Kwe itu nama samaran untuk sepasang suami istri pejabat itu. Kalau dikampung aku, dikenal dengan Yiu Cha Kwe. Ada tambahan kata Yiu, yang artinya minyak atau menggoreng. Jadi secara keseluruhan bisa berarti, bunuh si Kwe , goreng si Kwe. Bentuk cakwe kan ada 2 batang yang digabungkan jadi 1.Itu artinya 1 bagian si suami pejabat, 1 lagi bagian istrinya pejabat itu. Mereka sangat dibenci rakyat waktu itu.

Suami Istri Pejabat yang fitnah Jenderal Yue Fei
Saat berkunjung ke klenteng Jenderal Yue Fei, sangat ramai, dipenuhi turis lokal maupun manca negara. Dinding-dinding klenteng, samping kanan-kiri patung Jenderal Yue Fei berada, berisi lukisan-lukisan sejarah kehidupan Jendral hingga menemui ajalnya dihukum mati oleh Kaisar. Kuburan asli Jendral Yue Fei masih ada disana. Terletak dibelakang klentengnya, kata orang lokal, jenazah asli Jendral dimakamkan.

2 Pejabat lainnya yang ikut fitnah Jenderal Yue Fei
Sedangkan sepasang suami istri dan 2 pejabat lainnya, dibuatkan patungnya. Berlutut dengan tangan diborgol dihadapan makam Jendral Yue Fei. Dan, informasi saja, dari dulu, setiap turis lokal dari China yang ke sana, jika lewat didepan patung ini, pasti akan memaki dan memukul patungnya sambil ngedumel caci makiannya. Pemerintah sampai turun tangan, sampaikan pesan kepada para turis, patungnya tidak bersalah, patungnya hanyalah beton, pasir, batu dan semen. Patungnya tidak bersalah. Lagipula, ini sudah lama berlalu, ini sudah menjadi sejarah.

Patung suami istri pejabat dipukul dan dicaci maki
Demikianlah cerita dibalik sebuah makanan sederhana. Teman makan bubur. Cakwe ternyata mempunyai nilai dan sejarah yang begitu besar.

Catatan penulis:
Kisah singkat Jenderal Yue Fei juga tercatat dalam kisah Roman/TV series terkenal Tiongkok yang berjudul Shui Hu Zhuan (Water Margin / Tepi Air), karena terjadi pada periode yang hampir bersamaan.

Friday, May 22, 2015

5 motherhood myths that are dragging you down

Fellow moms, we've heard many things about motherhood that simply aren't true. No one is exactly sure how these five myths became so pervasive, but they are making us miserable. If you want to find more joy in motherhood, you have to acknowledge that these five myths are holding you back. It's time for all of us to let them go.

1. There's a right way and a wrong way to parent

Imagine all the doubt, worry, and confusion that we would eliminate if we quit thinking about parenting in terms of right and wrong. The mommy wars would go away entirely. In reality, there is only a right way and a wrong way for your family. Part of being a successful mother is learning through experience what works in your unique situation and with your unique kids. No two families need or want the same things, so we've got to let go of the notion that some mythical, perfect parenting tactic works.

2. You always have to like your kids

We have this ideal that (1) mothers instantly bond with their own children, and (2) they like them all of the time. Neither of those is necessarily true. While a mother always loves her kids, sometimes our kids do things that make us downright crazy. (It starts at birth and escalates from there.) It's human nature to get annoyed and frustrated with your kids. After all, children are a demanding breed. Don't beat yourself up for feeling bad about your kids from time to time. We've all been there.

3. Some women have it all figured out

We all have an image of the "ideal mom" lurking in our minds. We live under the illusion that someone, somewhere has calm, respectful children, a doting husband and an immaculate home. While it sometimes seems that our neighbor down the street has everything together, we all come with our own distinct baggage. Just because someone keeps a tidy house or has high-achieving children, doesn't mean she isn't dealing with her own demons. We should show a little more compassion to ourselves and to those around us. You never know what's going on behind closed doors.

4. Our kids' problems are our own

We mothers internalize our kids' issues and make them our own. However, our children come with strengths and weaknesses that have little to do with our parenting. Society teaches us that our lack of parenting skills contributes to our kids' hardships, especially for mothers of special needs kids or kids with challenges. We run the risk of taking up our children's cross as our own.
At the end of the day, we can teach, encourage and provide opportunities for our kids, but we can't force them to go in any direction. Our kids are born with their own free will, and they have to make the big decisions about their own lives.

5. We have 18 years to get it right

There's an enormous amount of pressure to get motherhood right. When our kids leave home, it's the ultimate test of what we've taught, but it's far from the end. Our relationship with our kids is constantly evolving, even after they've left home. It's never too late to become a better mom and improve your relationship with your kids.

We've got to stop being so hard on ourselves. The moms on TV and in movies bear little resemblance to us and our friends in real life. When we let go of our preconceived notions about how mothers should act or should feel we open ourselves up to becoming the better moms. Our kids don't need our perfection; they need our true selves — the good, the bad, and mostly the loving.



The blessings of being raised by a low-maintenance mother

Editor's note: This article was originally published on Brooke Romney's blog, Mom Explores Michigan. It has been modified and republished here with permission.

My mom has a little curve on the tip of her nose that she affectionately calls, "The Cullimore Hook." She also has wrinkles on her face, a flat chest, a great smile and incredible legs. She is capable, kind, smart, low-maintenance and beautiful.

In today's world, full of over-processed, over-done, over-glammed out women, I will be forever grateful that I was raised by a mother who has always been too busy with important things to scrutinize every inch of her body, to obsess about fine lines, to turn herself into something she isn't.

For her, low-maintenance has never been Birkenstocks, dreadlocks and pajamas all day. In fact, long before gym-rats and cross-fit, my mom was up at 5:30 a.m. attending an exercise class. She was home, showered and ready for the day often before we were even out of bed. She wore classic clothes and simple make-up with different haircuts throughout the years, some definitely better than others.
I remember, as a teenager, wondering why she didn't reapply her face more often or get her nails done. I thought it was crazy that she mostly wore flats and had never had a massage or pedicure. She used Suave shampoo and hair spray, Clinique foundation, and drugstore mascara. She didn't get things lifted, enhanced, or lasered. I have always had a healthy expectation of what a real woman's body should look like because of her.

We shopped together at inexpensive stores where she she taught me how to dress for my body, look for items that were stylish but on sale, and to buy only clothes I was sure I would wear. Brands didn't matter and clothes were fun but never used as a status symbol. Our outings were enjoyable but not excessive.

I watched her, at times, put a lot of effort into what she looked like ... an extra coat of mascara, hot rollers in her hair, or a fantastic new dress and heels, but that kind of time and energy on herself was reserved for special occasions.

Beauty was never a main topic of conversation around our house. It was assumed that we would look put together, situationally appropriate, and take care of ourselves, but there was no expectation to be beautiful. After all, beauty is capricious, subjective, and fleeting, and my mom understood that.
Dinner table talk revolved around what we were doing and accomplishing, who we were helping, what we were struggling with, and what was happening in the world, not what we looked like. We didn't bond over manicures and beauty tips but grew incredibly close as she assisted us in becoming our best spiritual, academic, and emotional selves.


My mom today

Today, as a very financially stable woman in her mid-50s, she is just as grounded. No eyelash or hair extensions, Botox or tummy tucks, and she smiles for pictures when she is in her pajamas and without make-up.

Yes, she has started getting her eyebrows waxed, coloring her hair, using nicer shampoo, and I'm pretty sure her clothes are no longer from Mervyn's, but she is still just the same. She does not define herself by what she looks like or if people think she is 10 years younger than her true age. She defines herself by what she gives.

What my mom taught me

I had no idea what an impact her little choices and quiet example to be her best natural self would have on me as I became an adult. When budgets were tight, our funds weren't siphoned towards spa appointments or $30 shampoo. In the early years of our marriage, I didn't have to set aside money for the Nordstrom sale or for high-end shoes. I have always been good at "making do" with what I had or finding a great, new shirt for under $20 that made me smile.

I have varicose veins that scare children, love handles I can't help but pinch, stretch marks like cat scratches, and plenty of wrinkles already, but it's all OK because my mom taught me something much more valuable than how to accessorize.

She taught me that being less than perfect is perfectly OK. She taught me that taking care of my body is worth it, but that moderation is necessary. She showed me that the fountain of youth is not found in a bottle or needle, but in a childlike heart and caring nature.

She taught me that real beauty is having a life purpose that allows you to brush aside the unimportant. She encouraged me to be anxiously engaged in causes that fulfill me so I don't have to search for happiness in places I won't find it. She taught me that a new outfit can be a great pick-me-up, but nothing takes you higher than knowing you are right with God.

It's hard to ever measure up to your mom. In fact, there may come a day when I laser those pesky varicose veins or iron out my wrinkly skin. My eyes never open at 5:30 a.m., and I have a hard time leaving the house without a fresh coat of lipstick, but because of her, I know that smooth legs, a youthful face and pink lips have nothing to do with who I really am. What defines me is how I love, who I serve, and what I create with this precious body and little time I am given.

All mothers love and bond differently with their children, and there are millions of ways to be a great, influential mom, but as Mother's Day approaches, I must say thank you to MY mom. She is perfect for ME. Her sweet example, deliberate focus, constant push, and unconditional love taught me that being comfortable in my own skin will consistently be my biggest asset and that I have always been just right, just the way I am.



Monday, May 11, 2015

Bedroom Tips Girls Secretly Want a Guy to Do

1. Openness
Every woman wants to reveal her partner her deepest naughty fantasies, but not every woman can entrust her secret dreams. That’s why a man must be totally open in bed. The more open a guy is about his intimate desires, the more open a woman will be with hers.

2. Listening
To be heard is one of those things women always want to get from guys, even under the sheets. We know exactly what we love doing in bed. Guys should just listen to us and respond to our guidance on how to satisfy us best. Of course, their efforts will be rewarded.

3. Passion
There is no doubt women dream about all sorts of romance, candles, flowers, gentle words etc. But men should not forget about passion as well, raw passion. Sometimes the best way to satisfy a woman is to just take her, kiss her hard, and make no apologies for how desperately he needs all of you.

4. Aggressiveness
We, women, are quite enthusiastic about aggressive sex, aren’t we? Even a little roughing under the sheets can do wonders for our sexual life. We do not want our men to be aggressive on every occasion, but sometimes guys must definitely turn into real aggressors and feel free to venture into this darker world of intimate desires.

5.Focus on entire body
Unfortunately men often make this mistake. They pay attention to a few places on a woman’s body when trying to bring her pleasure. But we don’t actually want our partner to focus only on these “obvious” intimate spots. We want guys to pay attention to our entire body rather than the sum of its parts.

6.Longer oral sex
It’s just incredible how many men don’t give their women oral sex that often, or even don’t do it at all. They actually think it’s OK. But it’s definitely not! Guys expect oral sex for themselves, but do not always return the sentiment to girls. It’s a huge mistake. Agree, girls? We want men to experiment a little bit down there and figure out what we like best.

7. Domination
We, women, want it all, to dominate and to be dominated. We want men to take charge in bed as well as we want to take charge by ourselves. Sometimes to control everything what’s going on between the sheets brings us real pleasure, “the cowgirl” position works the best in this case. The must-remember tip here is to switch these roles from time to time.

8. Dirty talk
Women love dirty talk, but men often miss giving it to us. Every girl secretly wants her partner to engage her naughty side and tell her exactly what he is thinking about, not just flowery sweet nothing. Our halves must tell us about their dirtiest sexual desires and then fulfill them in the bedroom!

So, these are the main things women want their men to do in the bedroom. Don’t be upset if your partner doesn’t do all of them. Just talk to him, and don’t be afraid to reveal your deepest and darkest desires. Find out his secret fantasies too. Understanding and trusting each other is the best way to spice up your sexual life.


Thursday, May 7, 2015

7 meaningful touches your husband is waiting for

The human touch has incredible potential. The hand is a point of contact that has benefits — physiologically, emotionally, and even spiritually.

The human touch has incredible potential. The hand is a point of contact that has benefits — physiologically, emotionally, and even spiritually.

Maybe it's a good time to remind wives how meaningful their touch is to their husbands. Sometimes wives can allow a distance in their relationship with their husband because of his rough exterior or his lack of emotion.

I hope to encourage you to reach for your husband and let him know how much he means to you. Sharing your soft touch with him will certainly soften up his demeanor. Here are seven meaningful touches your husband is waiting for:

  1. When he is working around the house, bringing him a beverage is a huge sign that you notice his efforts to make your home a place to enjoy. Reaching for him at this time is huge in showing him your gratitude. It will prompt him to do much more, more often.
  2. Slipping a handwritten note into his briefcase or laying it on the console of his truck will cause him to think about you during the day. He'll work hard, but he will also hurry home.
  3. I know this one may cause you to cringe, but at least consider it: massage his feet. It would be the modern equivalent of a foot washing. It is humbling, and possibly pretty gross. However, it would be an incredible touch of kindness and expression of love.
  4. Obviously your husband doesn't want flowers, but a ticket to his favorite game would be an awesome touch.
  5. Plan your day and save some energy for your husband. Approach him for intimacy. Don't always make him be the pursuer.
  6. Reach for him at random times. While watching television, walking, or at a restaurant. A public display of affection initiated by you is admirable. It shows a level of respect and honor that is rarely demonstrated in modern culture.
  7. Rub his shoulders. Most men hold their stress in their neck and shoulder areas. Your touch will release the heavy burden he is carrying.

Bonus Touch

Let me add that if you do this one, the impact could be immeasurable. As he is leaving the house and pulling out of the driveway, watch him from the window. Pray for blessings over him, expressing gratitude for who he is, and asking God to empower the work of his hands. He may not see you or know that you do it, but your touch will be worked through God's hands, blessing all that he does.

Reach for your husband. He needs you.

5 reasons I desperately need my husband

I loved being a single lady and basking in its freedom. However, once I married, that all changed.

My husband ruined me. Yes, he completely ruined me. Growing up, I was quite the independent girl. I could stay all alone overnight without grasping a baseball bat at every little sound. I was even able to put together a bookshelf all by myself — with tools. However, once I married, I began to rely on my husband for so many things that I use to do myself. Even after five years of marriage, those feelings haven't changed. In fact, I realize I need him more than ever.
Here are five reasons why I desperately need my husband and why you probably need yours as well.

He is my brains

You've heard the saying that two heads are better than one. In my case, this is true. When I have a question or need something fixed, the first person I turn to is my husband. In a marriage, it is crucial that you rely on one another. I hope your husband is your best friend. I hope that his opinion matters the most to you. A strong, healthy marriage is an equal partnership and that certainly doesn't mean that one person takes care of everything while the other sits on the couch eating ice cream and watching Netflix.

He is my decision maker

We each face hundreds of decisions every single day. Some of those choices are large and life-changing while others do not make any difference. However, when those big decisions come that affect yourself or someone in your family, you and your husband need to agree on a decision together. You need to create a partnership. If I could make all the decisions in my family, we'd constantly be on vacation, drowning in debt and not having any focus in life. Thank goodness for a husband to keep our family level-headed and on track.

He is a place to vent

As a wife and a mom, it is easy to become irritated. It may be a rough day with the kids, or you may receive an unplanned bill. Whatever it may be, you need someone to vent to. You need someone to sit and listen as you complain about all the things that went wrong throughout the day or that are bothering you. He may not do much about it, but just getting it off your chest may be enough.

He is my future

When you look 10 or even 100 years down the road, the first thing you should see is your spouse. The relationship between you and your spouse is your most important relationship. You need to do everything possible today to ensure that relationship is strong and can withstand the harsh elements and obstacles that are going to be thrown its way. When you daydream and plan the future, make sure your spouse is there, holding your hand. Do not make any plans without him there.

He is my joy

I can honestly admit that my life would feel meaningless if I did not have my spouse. His jokes and teasing remarks are what make the 5:30 wake up calls from my toddler OK, his hugs are what keep the tears from flowing because of my burnt dinners, and his cuddles help me relax after a stressful day of errands and household duties. I loved my life while I was single, but I would never give up the worst of days for it again.

When life seems too hard, when things don't seem just right, look at your spouse. What does he do to make your heart melt? How does he chase away any doubts or fears that you may have? How does he keep you happy, every single day? When those hard times come in a marriage, which they always do, think about those qualities. Think about why he brings you so much joy. Those hard times will quickly become easier.

Yes, I am a changed person from my single days. Yes, I rely on someone more than anything but life isn't about me anymore. Marriage is about two people working hard, compromising, communicating and loving one another so they can overcome anything. It is about being that person for someone else, being there when it seems nobody else is, loving someone so intently that they never want to leave your side. My husband showed me that those qualities are real. He definitely ruined me.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Manfaat Bercinta Saat Istri Hamil

SURYAMALANG.COM – Berhubungan intim atau bercinta bagi pasangan suami istri (pasutri) merupakan kegiatan halal dan wajib dilakukan. Namun, bercinta akan sedikit berbeda jika sang istri sedang hamil.

Dikutip dari laman DokterSehat.com, sebagian orang pasti akan mengkhawatirkan kesehatan dan keselamatan janin dalam kandungan apabila bercinta dengan suami.

Bercinta saat hamil dapat membahayakan kesehatan janin tidak sepenuhnya benar. Meskipun seorang istri sedang hamil bukan berarti pasutri berhenti untuk bercinta.

Yang penting diketahui adalah bahwa ada manfaat bercinta saat hamil bagi kesehatan. Bahkan cukup disarankan pasutri bercinta saat istri hamil. Sebab, dapat mengatasi mual dan muntah, kaki bengkak, hingga mengatasi perasaan mudah kesal atau mudah marah.

Sebenarnya bercinta antara suami dengan istri hamil memiliki manfaat yang baik bagi ibu hamil dan janinnya. Berikut adalah manfaat bercinta bagi ibu hamil.

- Menghilangkan stres
Seiring dengan perkembangan janin yang ada dalam perut, tubuh akan merasa kurang nyaman. Umumnya, bagi wanita yang sedang hamil akan sering merasa pusing dan stres.

Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk menghilangkan stres saat hamil adalah dengan bercinta. Bercinta dapat membantu melepaskan ketegangan fisik maupun mental yang ditimbulkan karena kehamilan.

- Membantu membakar lemak
Bercinta diketahui dapat meningkatkan pembakaran lemak, termasuk pada saat istri sedang hamil. Maka dengan bercinta diharapkan berat badan saat hamil tidak naik secara berlebihan.

- Membuat kulit halus
Selain memproduksi erdofin, bercinta saat hamil juga dapat meningkatkan produksi hormon estrogen. Bercinta selain menyenangkan, ternyata juga dapat membuat kulit menjadi lebih halus.

- Menambah Kebahagiaan
Pada saat bercinta dengan pasangan, maka tubuh akan memproduksi hormon bahagia, yaitu hormon erdorfin. Hormon erdorfin ini dapat mengurangi rasa nyeri atau dapat berfungsi sebagai analgesik.

- Meningkatkan sirkulasi darah
Bercinta dapat memicu produksi adrenalin dan juga dapat meningkatkan denyut jantung, sehingga bercinta dapat meningkatkan sirkulasi darah dan suplai oksigen ke seluruh bagian tubuh termasuk janin menjadi lebih lancar.

- Meningkatkan kemesraan
Bercinta tidak hanya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan biologis saja, tetapi juga dapat meningkatkan keintiman pasangan. Pada saat istri sedang hamil mungkin kemesraan akan sedikit berkurang karena suami akan lebih cenderung memperhatikan kehamilannya. Dengan bercinta maka hubungan antara suami dan istri dapat kembali mesra seperti sebelumnya.

Selain bercinta, hal lain yang harus diperhatikan ketika istri hamil adalah menjaga kondisi psikologisnya.
Dosen Universitas Brawijaya, dr Arief Alamsyah Mars, mengingatkan agar pasangan menjaga keharmonisan selama proses kehamilan. Pasalnya, ketidakharmonisan rumah tangga akan mengganggu kondisi janin.
Arief mengatakan, suami yang bertengkar dengan istrinya yang hamil bisa mempengaruhi psikis si jabang bayi.

"Dampaknya memang tidak langsung, tapi sangat berpengaruh dalam kehidupan anak," kata Arief.
Menurut Arief, pertengkaran dalam rumah tangga bisa membuat anak menjadi pemarah.
Apabila sang anak itu masih dalam kandungan, maka dampaknya bisa lebih parah, karena tidak hanya membuat mereka menjadi seorang yang emosional, tapi juga bisa mengalami kerusakan otak atau gangguan neurotik pula.

Masalah ini, lanjutnya, disebabkan indera pertama yang ada dalam janin adalah indera pendengaran.
Dr Iwan Sys Indrawanto SpKj menambahkan, emosi seorang ibu juga mempengaruhi tumbuh-kembang janin.
Oleh karena itu, tidak disarankan seorang ayah dan ibu untuk mengucapkan kata-kata kotor saat masa kehamilan.

"Perasaan sedih, cemas, kecewa dan marah seorang ibu juga harus dihindari. Rumahtangga yang harmonis akan membentuk anak yang brilian," tambah psikiater di RS Medika Hayunanto, Kabupaten Malang ini.


Monday, April 27, 2015

What’s in Your Green Tea?

For many, no drink is more synonymous with good health than green tea, the ancient Chinese beverage known for its soothing aroma and abundance of antioxidants. By some estimates, Americans drink nearly 10 billion servings of green tea each year.

But a new report by an independent laboratory shows that green tea can vary widely from one cup to the next. Some bottled varieties appear to be little more than sugar water, containing little of the antioxidants that have given the beverage its good name. And some green tea leaves, particularly those from China, are contaminated with lead, though the metal does not appear to leach out during the brewing process.

The report was published this week by ConsumerLab.com, an independent site that tests health products of all kinds. The company, which had previously tested a variety of green tea supplements typically found in health food stores, took a close look at brewed and bottled green tea products, a segment that has grown rapidly since the 1990s.

It found that green tea brewed from loose tea leaves was perhaps the best and most potent source of antioxidants like epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, though plain and simple tea bags made by Lipton and Bigelow were the most cost-efficient source. Green tea’s popularity has been fueled in part by a barrage of research linking EGCG to benefits like weight loss to cancer prevention, but the evidence comes largely from test tube studies, research on animals and large population studies, none of it very rigorous, and researchers could not rule out the contribution of other healthy behaviors that tend to cluster together.

Green tea is one of the most popular varieties of tea in the United States, second only to black tea, which is made from the leaves of the same plant. EGCG belongs to a group of antioxidant compounds called catechins that are also found in fruits, vegetables, wine and cocoa.
The new research was carried out in several phases. In one, researchers tested four brands of green tea beverages sold in stores. One variety, Diet Snapple Green Tea, contained almost no EGCG. Another bottled brand, Honest Tea’s Green Tea With Honey, claimed to carry 190 milligrams of catechins, but the report found that it contained only about 60 percent of that figure. The drink also contained 70 milligrams of caffeine, about two-thirds the amount in a regular cup of coffee, as well as 18 grams of sugar, about half the amount found in a can of Sprite.

Another phase of the study looked at green tea in its more natural forms – loose tea leaves sold by Teavana and tea bags sold by companies like Bigelow and Lipton. A single serving of Teavana’s Gyokuro green tea, about one teaspoonful, was chock-full of antioxidants, yielding about 250 milligrams of catechins, a third of which were EGCG. It also contained 86 milligrams of caffeine, slightly less than a regular cup of coffee.

A single bag of the green tea sold by Lipton and Bigelow contained somewhat smaller amounts of antioxidants than Teavana’s green tea and generally minimal amounts of caffeine. But Teavana’s recommended serving size was large, and the tea was also far more expensive, resulting in a higher cost per serving. The report calculated that the cost to obtain 200 milligrams of EGCG ranged from 27 cents to 60 cents with the tea bags, and $2.18 with the Teavana loose tea leaves.

But the most surprising phase of the study was an analysis of the lead content in the green tea leaves. The leaves in the Lipton and Bigelow tea bags contained 1.25 to 2.5 micrograms of lead per serving. The leaves from Teavana, however, did not contain measurable amounts.

“Lead can occur in many botanical products because it is taken up from the ground,” said Dr. Tod Cooperman, president of ConsumerLab.com. “The green tea plant is known to absorb lead at a higher rate than other plants from the environment, and lead also can build up on the surface of the leaves.”
Dr. Cooperman said the tea leaves containing lead probably originated in China, where studies have found that industrial pollution causes the leaves in some regions to gather substantial amounts of lead. The Teavana leaves came from Japan, where that is less of a problem, he said. The decaffeination process also helps remove lead.

Still, the study found that there was no real prospect of a health concern from the lead. The liquid portions of the teas that were brewed and tested contained very little if any of the metal, Dr. Cooperman said.

“The majority of the lead is staying with the leaf,” he said. “If you’re brewing it with a tea bag, the tea bag is very effectively filtering out most of the lead by keeping those tea leaves inside the bag. So it’s fine as long as you’re not eating the leaves.”
